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Analise's POV

"Crescent cheer up." I have been trying to get her to talk for the past two hours but she has yet to respond. "I know our mate is an asshole but don't let him affect what you do. Crescent you were the one who told me not to care about my family and now you are caring about a man who we met only days ago?"

'I am sorry Lizzie.' She finally said. 'I should not have forced you to talk to him. Even though you don't say it, I know it hurts you too to hear those words. I am part of you Lizzie. You cannot hide your feelings from me.'

"Crescent it is not your fault." I reassured her. "At least I will not have the guilt that I did not try."

'But still' She paced around in my mind before finally coming to a rest and sitting down. It was very rare to see her so down.

"I said I will keep you happy and I have the perfect way to do it." I said as I left the comfort of my bed. I threw on a hoodie before slipping on some shoes. Taking a backpack, I threw in some extra clothes, water bottles, snacks and finally my phone. I did not want to bump into anyone on my way out so I decided to go through the window.

Slinging the bag over my shoulder, I made my way towards the window. I pushed it open and the night breeze hit my face immediately. I peaked downstairs and retreated my head immediately. Guards had the entire castle perimeters secured. Werewolf guards had a fixed position all around while the other creatures took turn patrolling the perimeters. I did not know anything about the patrol but I did not want to wait to find out. Before I forgot, I covered my scent.

Once again, I took a peak outside. I strained my ears for any signs of the patrols. I picked up the rhythmic steps of the patrol group but it was quite far which gave me enough time to get out. Using my magic, I created a distraction. I placed my palms towards the sky on the right and streaks of bright light left my hand before collided in the sky, creating a loud boom. I repeated the same trick another time and the guards were all alert as they looked towards their right. I did it once again and the guards under my window quickly moved to the right.

Not wasting any time, I pulled my hood up and jumped out of the window. As soon as I my feet hit the ground, I sprinted to the left towards the gardens. I passed a guard but thankfully he did not feel my presence because of my speed not did he catch any scent. Finally, I made it to one of the small and neglected gardens of the castle.

Unlike the garden I went to the other night, this one was not taken care of at all. Trees grew everywhere with vines tangling over the branches and the bushed covered the paths. There were no fireflies flying around and no lanterns either. Treading through the bushes and avoiding to make any noise, I looked for the sign I left when I was little- a pink cloth with my initial A on it.

When I was a kid, I accidentally came across this spot and decided to leave a mark here to know where it was whenever I wanted to visit it again. Finally, I found the pink cloth hanging on the branch of a tree. It was now torn at the sides and had got brown stains on it. I moved the vines and bushed right underneath the tree, revealing a trapdoor.

I smiled at the sight of my little secret. I propped the door open and jumped in the hole before pulling it shut. The cold immediately hit me. Since the tunnel passed under a nearby river, it was always cold down here.

The side of the tunnels were reinforced with stones. There were rusted holder on the sides which were used to hold torches long ago. The walls were covered with moss and ferns growing out of the void spaces between the rocks. A pungent smell lingered in the tunnel due to the moss and the humidity from the river. I heard droplets of water fall from the top along with the movement of the rushing water.

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