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Analise's POV

It was time to finally put everything on the table. The rest could be dealt with later.

I took in a deep breath as I composed myself. "So on my first birthday, a seer told my parents about a prophecy on me. That changed my family's opinion about me. They never bothered finding out the true meaning about the prophecy. They treated me as if I was an abomination or something. My siblings followed in the footsteps of my parents."

"Then when I was 5, the palace was under attack like it said in the letter. They had come for me. They came straight to my old room. They nearly got me when the guards intervened right in time but they were outnumbered quickly. Hearing the chaos in my room, more guards came in along with my family. Vampires had surrounded the castle from all sides."

"It turned into a complete bloodbath. I had yet to know about my powers. I could not do anything except than hide while the others risked their life, some of them lost their life as they tried to protect me. Among the many people who lost their lives, my grandfather" I cleared my throat as a lumped formed in my throat. "He also lost his life. A vampire was about to get to me when he jumped in front of me and got stabbed by a silver dagger which cost him his life." My eyes moistened as the image flashed in my mind.

"I still remember rushing to his aid. I held him as he took his last breaths with his blood all over me, my hands, the floor. It was everywhere. The way his eyes slowly closed as the light faded from his eyes. I had felt his body go limp in my hands." My hands shook as I imagined the scene that night. Alexander held my hands tightly in his, giving me enough courage to continue. "I still remember his last words 'Be happy princess'" A sob escaped me.

Every word I said felt like gravel on my tongue as I struggled to keep going. Each breath I took to calm myself down felt like needles tearing my flesh apart, burning as my eyes moistened. Even though I no longer saw the scars from that night, they were still here and they were deep.

"My parents, they found us in that position. They blamed me for his death. With their words, they made it seem like I killed him, with my own hands. At first I though they were just grieving the lost of their loved one and taking out their frustration on me but I soon found out the harsh reality. They took that as an opportunity to get rid of me."

"They did not bother hiding their hatred from me. When my grandmother put herself under the spell, they sent me away." I shrugged at the end trying to chase away the pain. "That night has plagued me ever since. I just can't seem to forget it. The blood, their cries, the chaos, my grandfather, the pain in my grandmother's eyes and the hatred of my family. I-" I sniffed, feeling my chest constrict. "It was too much."

Alexander cupped my face as he made me look at him, my body visibly shaking. He placed his forehead on mine as his thumbs wiped the stray tears away. "It was not your fault Analise. It's their fault they do not realise your worth and what they are missing." A sense of relief passed through me. "They don't deserve you."

A small smile played on my lips as I leaned into his touch, happy to let go and knowing he was there with me. "Your nightmare. It was not only about the attack."

I hummed in response as I pulled away slightly to look at him. "Their dead bodies and the whole scene of that night plays in my head every night. It had been like since ever since that night."

Despite the sadness, I felt light. I was happy to finally get this off my chest. "Does anyone else know about your father and mother?"

"My friends- Diana and Adrian- know pieces of what happened. You are the first to know it all." He answered. "You and your grandfather seemed close."

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