Chapter Sixteen

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~~Uther's POV~~

For the past day, there's been a feeling inside of me that has been wanting to get out. At first, I thought something happened to Arthur, but he's in the castle in perfect health.

Maybe this dread feeling is just another one of my feelings.

One feeling I know I should listen to is magic is evil and it corrupts the most innocent of souls. Morgana for example. She was beautiful and innocent until her mind was poisoned with magic. Maybe I can finally use it to take away her powers. Then I will get my Morgana back.

A feeling I now know how completely wrong I was on is regarding Arthur's manservant. There was always a small part of me that possibly thought the boy could be a sorcerer. From his confession when Morgana's maidservant was arrested to Aredian's accusation.

My gut never told me that Aredian was a sorcerer either. But with the astounding amount of proof, that was the only thing that could be.

I used to always rely on what felt right. I knew which men would try to betray me and who was my ally. But now? My mind is slowly slipping. I thought the young boy, Martin, or whatever his name is, caused the earth shake today. Foolish thoughts.

I should be happy. I have a perfect son, a wealthy and strong kingdom, loyal subjects. What more could I ask for?

I reach into my pouch and take out the sketch of her. She was so beautiful.

A cough takes me out of my thoughts and I see the wonderful creation she made.


~~Gwen's POV~~

Before I can even knock on the door, it flies open. Literally.

I gasp and take a step back as the door flies into the room and a small boy ducks down.

"Whoops. I guess dat was not correct."

A young boy, with raven black hair and bright blue eyes, looks at me. He is holding a too big book in his arms.

"Hello! My name is Merlin."

I'm Merlin. Although most people just call me idiot.

I chuckle a bit remembering the first encounter with Merlin.

"Hi, Merlin. My name is Guinevere, but my friends call me Gwen."

"Can I be your friend?"

"Of course."

"Yay! Will is going to be so mad he missed dis. I made so many new friends!"

The thought of Merlin's old friend caused me to frown a bit.

"What was that you were just doing?"

His face goes into one of panic like he just realized he did magic in a magic-hating kingdom.

"Umm. Ummm. It wasn't me!"

He runs into his room and closes the door.


I walk to where the door crashed and try to pick it up. It's heavier than I thought, but I think I got this.

I slowly move the door to where it originally was and lean it against the frame of the door. That should work for now.

Looking at Merlin's door, I quickly walk over there and open the door.

Merlin is sulking on the bed, with a book in hand.

His room is abnormally clean. Did Gaius finally decide to clean it up once Merlin left on the hunting trip?

"Hey, Merlin."

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