Chapter Seventeen

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~~Morgana's POV~~

I stare into the fire as she and Mordred are with one another by their sleeping bags. How cute. Young love.

Looking down, I'm almost finished whittling the wood into my hand into a shape of a dagger. I know it's only wood, but I would love to jam this into Arthur's heart and watch him bled out and beg for mercy in front of me. The joy I would feel of watching his pathetic life cripple away by my hand.

Life would be easier if I could just get Merlin on my side. Now that he's only a child, persuasion should be much easier. But even at his age, he is still loyal to Arthur.

What did I do wrong?

I gave Merlin shelter, a castle, for him to live in. Why would he destroy all that to save Arthur? Merlin could be dead right now. Arthur would never protect someone with magic if it goes against Uther. And why would he? He is just as much of a tyrant as his father.........our father.


At the sound of her name, she immediately gives me all of her attention.

"Yes, my lord?"

"There is a change of plans. I need you to do something for me."


So loyal.

I pull out the pendant from my pouch. This will work perfectly.

"Now, let me tell you a story about Merlin and his mother Huther. Listen to every word carefully, details are important."

~~Merlin's POV~~


I feel myself having a harder time breathing as I run to the field. I don't really know where I'm going, but I trust Kilgharrah. He said I would know where I'm going.

But I feel bad for Gwen.

**A few moments prior**

"Here's the bathroom Merlin. I will wait for you right out here for when you're done."

"Okay. Tank you!"

I close the door and try to think of something to do.

What can I do to distract Gwen for a while?

I can do the thingy I did at the castle but not as bad.

I close my eyes and try to think of a way to not hurt Gwen.

Don't hurt Gwen and don't destroy the castle. Please please please.

There was a slight rumble and a cutoff scream of Gwen before it all went silent.


I open the door and there is a really big hole in the roof that covers Gwen in the middle of the room.

I know she's okay.

I feel the magic draining from me. I have to get to Kilgharrah quickly.

I stop running once I hit a really big open field.

My breathing is really hard for me. I feel like I have no energy.

Looking around, I don't see Kilgharrah. I'm pretty sure this was the right place.

"Kilgharrah! Kilgharrah. I'm here!"

Maybe I should take a nap while I wait for him to come. I sit down and use my arms as a pillow and curl my legs close to me.

Just for a few minutes, I can close my eyes.

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