29| Trust

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Chapter 29: Trust (Gianna's POV)

He came out of the shower in black sweatpants and nothing else and then walked over to the bed, sitting down beside me. "Since when do you wear glasses, wife?" he asked, turning to look at me. 

"I wear them at work too," I mumbled, still reading The Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafon. I can't remember who this book is translated by though. 

"What are you reading?" 

I showed him the cover, still reading. 

"What's it about?" 

I sighed, turning to him. "You ask a lot of questions." 

"But you don't answer them. All of them anyway." 

I rolled my eyes. "It's about a boy in Barcelona in 1945 whose mom passed away. And he finds comfort in a book titled The Shadow of the Wind but when he goes to find other books by that author, he discovers that someone's been destroying every copy of every book by that author. And then because he has what could possibly be the last copy, he gets thrown into disaster. Murder, madness, and doomed love. Does that answer your question?" 

"Doomed love?" 

"Well, I haven't read the whole thing, I'm telling you what I see on Goodreads," I chuckled, going back to reading it. 

"Put the book down," he said, nudging my leg with his. 

"Why?" I asked, grabbing my bookmark and putting it in between the pages before closing the book and putting it on my nightstand. I turned to face him. 

"I'm going to work later than usual tomorrow." 

"Okay," I said slowly. "So?" 

"So are you still going early?" 

"I have to. I have clients coming in. And I have a dress to make. It's too complicated so I need to help my designers." 

"Then I'll drop by and take you to lunch." 

I chuckled, taking my glasses off and putting them on my nightstand. "Why? You had so much fun at McDonald's today?" 

He rolled his eyes, putting his hand on my thigh. "I just want to take my wife to lunch." 

Does he like me or is he playing me? 

"Okay. Come to my office and pick me up. One-thirty, like today, okay?" 

"Yes, ma'am." 

"Okay then. Goodnight," I sang, flicking my lamp off and lying down. I rolled over, having my back facing him but he grabbed my waist and pulled me closer until my back was flush against his front. I should have smiled but I didn't. Because I can't figure out if he has an ulterior motive as I did earlier or if he genuinely likes me from the start. His leg went over mine and he kissed my shoulder once. I couldn't bite back the smile any longer. I turned around, smiling to myself, glad that he couldn't see it in the dark. He leaned in and kissed me, his fingers digging into my waist. I closed my eyes and kissed him back. 

I woke up the next morning with my back to him but he had his arms still tightly around me. I quickly turned my alarm off and rubbed my eyes, slipping out of his grip. I sat up and began pulling my slides on but he grabbed my waist and pulled me back down. I groaned, lying back down. 

"Don't go," he mumbled, still more than half asleep. 

I patted his arm. "I have to. Let me get ready or I'll be late."

"Then be late," he groaned, throwing his leg over mine. 

"I can't," I sang. "I'm a busy woman, Allister." 

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