First day

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I wake up to go pee and get back in bed

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I wake up to go pee and get back in bed. Checking the time I see it's only 5:30 am. I roll over and cuddle Malik. So I can sleep for another thirty minutes. He glides his hand up my thigh. I'm instantly aroused.

😈Short Adult😈

He's still sleeping so I decided to get myself off. I quietly slide my hands in my panties touching my treasure.

I suckle my fingers on my free hand to muffle my moans. Slipping and sliding to find my euphoria.

Malik adjusts in his sleep and I freeze. I'd be embarrassed if he caught me in the act. His breathing grows still and I get back to my dirty deed. Trying to control my breathing as I get closer.

Malik reaches a hand up and touches one of my breasts. I look over and he's looking at me with lustful eyes. My face burns hot.

"May I join?" He whispers.

I nod as he pulls me close. I turn over on my stomach and remove my shirt as he hooks a finger in my panties and slides them to the side hovering over me. He uses my wetness to slip inside, hissing as he enters. My walls impulsively seize him as he makes his way home.

Staying at a slow and steady rhythm, he holds me from behind and he reaches the deepest crevice of my sacred place. I soak the sheets beneath us as an orgasm unexpectedly rattles through me, causing me to release melodic moans as he kisses my back and shoulders.

Malik quickens his pace, this time with lethal accuracy of his goal. As he releases a low rumble of a moan from his chest and I reach my peak again. Nothing but silence and uneven breathing can be heard throughout his bedroom.

He continues placing open-mouth kisses on my back as he removes himself from me.


"Well, good morning," Malik finally breaks the silence.

"Good morning. I'm gonna go shower and get ready in the other room."

"Aight. Mase will be here.." he checks his clock on the nightstand "in 45 minutes to an hour knowing him."


Mason arrives a little after 7, as Malik predicted. I open the door for him then I go back to the kitchen counter to place my laptop into my Prada bag. I've got on Prada pumps today so I wanted to match combining them with a black pencil skirt and cream-colored blouse. My hair is pulled back in a low braided ponytail.

"Thanks for helping me," I say in a hushed tone.

"I gotchu," Mason says smirking and shaking his head.

"What?" I look at him, confused.

"You look good today Sharice, don't make Malik kill one of these old farts in the office, okay." He jokes.

As I'm about to respond I hear Malik coming down the stairs.

I roll my eyes at Mason and he winks at me.

"All set?" Malik asks me.

"Yeah, I've got everything I need to get started at least."

"Good. You'll get keys and codes a little later today." He says walking out the door.

Mason checks his watch pushing the elevator call button. "Let's get coffee, we've got time. I want one of those sugary drinks."

Malik and I laugh.

We get coffee from the shop near the office before going in.

Malik and Mason walk ahead of me the entire way. I feel like they're my bodyguards.

Stares and whispers again. Not sure if it's a good or bad thing but right now my focus is on business.

We arrive on the senior executive floor and Malik tells the receptionist to call maintenance and have my office unlocked, and have keys made for me. She stares daggers into me as she makes the call for the request.

Malik shows me to his office in the corner of the floor and sits his things down. Seeing his name on the door with CEO is a sight to see. We then walk to Mason's office which is on the other corner. His door says COO. It's all sinking in now.

Then they show where my office is which is situated in the middle of both, but I know I'll be working more with Mason with him being the operations side of things.

I take a seat on the couch in Mason's office and put on my glasses while taking out my laptop. Malik steps out to make some phone calls and Mason sits down at a huge desk and logs into his computer on one side of him with 3 monitors and spins around to his bag and takes out a laptop and sets it up on the other side. Seeing as Mason's usually the jokester, it's different seeing his serious side.

He writes something down on a notepad then rips it off. "Here, Sharice." He holds it out for me. I get up and grab it. It's passwords and some other info for me to get started. He pulls a flash drive from his laptop and holds it out. "This is yours. Guard it with your life." I take it and sit back down plugging the flash drive into my laptop.

The company hasn't had someone in my position in a while, they contracted people for temp in the past, but it's been a while. So I know things have probably piled up for me. Now I understand why I needed to initially start here where the company was founded. Depending on how this week goes, will determine if I'll be heading back to LA as soon as I think.

There's a knock at the door. Malik peeks his head in. "Time for your first meeting. Grab a pen and pad off Mason's desk, and he'll show you to the conference room." He leaves back out.

Time for a meeting then.

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