Broken promise.

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Mason texted me to call him, but now when I'm calling, he's not picking up and when I call Sharice, her phone is going straight to voicemail, which isn't like her

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Mason texted me to call him, but now when I'm calling, he's not picking up and when I call Sharice, her phone is going straight to voicemail, which isn't like her.

Somethings wrong. I can feel it.

My jet is being fueled, but I already canceled my meeting and messaged my pilot to inform him we're going back home.

As I sit in the lounge, my mind is going a million miles a minute. I don't like this.

My phone rings on the table next to my whiskey and I see it's my father calling. I don't know why I didn't think to call him myself.

I pick up, "Pop, have you talked t-"

"Malik, Sharice is in the hospital." He cuts me off.

"What happened!" my voice raised slightly.

"She fell down the stairs at your penthouse."

"She's okay right?" I request.

"You need to get home son,"

"I'll be there as soon as I can." I hang up and call a jet company, I'm not waiting for my pilot.

"I need a plane now!"

Hours later, I land in Atlanta. I call my father to find out what hospital Sharice is in.

Thankfully because it is so late, traffic is almost absent as my driver flies down the highway. Mason finally calls me back as I'm arriving, so I let him know I'll be inside in a second. He says he'll meet me in the lobby.

I walk inside and see my brother. As he leads me to the elevators, I notice that he's been crying.

"Mason, what happened?" I pleaded. "How did she fall?"

"Malik, I think someone broke into your place and they pushed her down the stairs."


"I know you're angry," He starts grabbing me by my shoulders. "But you can't do that here."

We exit the elevators, "Where is she?"

"She got out of surgery a while ago, so you can go see her now. Be aware, it looks worse than it is, they said she has a concussion and some stitches in her head from hitting the floor. Her ankle and wrist are sprained and she has some bruised her ribs, but nothing's broken." He lists as we walk to her room.

"Why did she need surgery?" I asked confused.

"Malik, I need you to stay calm and keep it together, for her, please."

"Okay, I will. What else happened Mase?"

"I didn't want to be the one to tell you," He looks down and breaths heavily. "She was pregnant, but she miscarried."

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