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A loud scream bounced off the four walls of my cottage, as Adrianus shook violently on the bed. I immediately backed away from his flaying body, as his friends tried to control his movement. For a moment I feared he would break the bed, or worse injure himself further.

His stark blue eyes were glassy as if they were in a haze as he looked around his surroundings. Putting the blood and alcohol-drenched rag down, I approached him. I guided his face so his eyes can look at my own with my fingers gently grasping his chin.

"I know it hurts, but I'm trying to clean your wounds. If I don't, the consequences may be fatal so please be a bit more patient."

He stared blankly at me for a moment before slowly nodding his head. I removed the piece of clothed wood from his mouth and allowed him to take gulps of the strong liquor; hoping it might disguise the pain.

"I'm going to place this back in your mouth for you to bite down if the pain becomes unbearable. I promise I'll be quick."

I stated, mentioning the wood in my hand. I placed in back in between his peony-petal-like lips and looked back at him. He shut his tightly and gave a firm nod before I began disinfecting his deep cuts.

I tried to be as gentle and swift as possible, while effectively ensuring that no infection trails behind. As I got to the largest gash on his abdomen, which no doubt need stitches, I gave a wanted look at Max and Callahan.

Adrianus was on the brink of unconsciousness, although his blue eyes would occasionally flutter open. I decided it will be best to proceed without warning him or waking him from his partially unconscious state.

As the tips of the drenched rag touched the deep wound, the man that laid on my bed let out an animalistic growl. I heard the birds outside leaving their nest and a few shuffles in the nearby bushes; no doubt that the small prey believing that a predator was near.

His body flopped like a fish on land as I quickly tried to disinfect the wound. His movement slowed down as he finally succumbed to unconsciousness; drowsy from both the pain and alcohol.

I quickly began my work of stitching his deeper cuts before he can awaken and feel the pain. I'm not sure why, but a deep part of my heart and soul clenched when I heard his howl of pain.

Once I was completed the task I grabbed the bloody bucket of water and threw its content outside. Both men holding Arianus down were exhausted themselves and I couldn't blame them. Taming a large man to stay still was no easy task and luckily, both his friends had the strength to limit his movement.

I walked back into my home and checked on my patient's breathing, which was luckily calm. Deciding to change out of my wet and dirty dress, I excused myself before going to the hidden part of the stream.

After a quick cleanse, I changed into one of my summer dresses before entering the cottage. I made some tea and placed the fresh berries I collected and bread in a bowl before bringing it to the two, tired men.

They thanked me before feasting on the small dish.

"This tea has a fantastic aroma and even better taste."

I thanked Max whole heartily and went back to quietly feasting. While the two men talked among themselves, I counted the money Hansel gave me for this week's share of teas. I looked out the window and noticed the sun will set soon, unaware of whether I should let these strangers stay the night at my home.

It was one thing to help an injured person and another to let his healthy friends reside here. Although both Max and Callahan seemed friendly, I knew if word spread of men sleeping in my home I will be more of a social outcast than I already am.

"I doubt Adrianus will be able to walk back to your next destination, so it might be a good idea to prep for that. I can only help him this much, but if he does get infected you will want him in town to see a physician."

"You're right. I'll go and inform everyone about Adrianus' wellbeing and bring a wagon."

"I'll bring the wagon. Everyone will be in an uproar if they hear about Adrianus' incident. Max, you'll need to be there to ensure that chaos doesn't break out."

"I suppose you are right, although someone will need to guard him."

My head snapped up towards Max at what he was suggesting. I felt utterly offended after all that I have done for him to think I'll harm his friend.

"I hope you're not suggesting that I'll cause harm to your friend, especially after I saved his life."

I stated, with a bit of anger in my tone.

"I don't mean to offend you, but with his status and his current vulnerable position, it will be less ideal to leave him unprotected."
"My hut is well hidden and I am capable of fending off any threats if you do worry. It shouldn't take more than a day's journey to go and bring back a wagon."

Living in the forest for so long, I've mastered the technique of archery, especially for hunting. If anyone does come near my home and the man I vowed to protect then I'll have to give them a painful message.

Callahan and Max shared a look with each other for a moment before assessing me quickly. I raised a single eyebrow, as Max gave a small smile.

"Very well, Adrianus is under your protection until Callahan's return. Apologies for doubting your kind heart and thank you for all you have done Rheya."

I nod my head and smile back before the two men headed out the door.

"Wait! What did you intend by Adianus' status. Who is he, who are you."

Both men stopped mid-stride and turned back to look at me with a puzzled expression. They once again shared a look with each other and looked back at me in shock.

"How many years have you resided in Nordfjord?"

"For five years. Why?"

"And you have never heard of Adianus' name?"


I drew out, unsure of their tone. I was confused and both men gave me a look of utter shock.

"Do you know who the royal family of Nordfjord are?"

"I've heard of King Nathaniel and Queen Avani when I first came here. Everyone praised their strength and generosity, that is until their sudden demise."

"May their souls rest in peace. Who do you think the ruling King is then?"

He gave me a comical look as I sent him a questioning one. Callahan's eyes drifted to the cottage when a realization hit me. My eyes widened in surprise as I involuntarily took a couple of steps back.

"You-you're not saying that Adri- Adir-"

"Your assumption is right Rheya. Adrianus is indeed the ruling King of Nordfjord.


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