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I walk back into my cottage and for a moment I just look at the large man laying on my small bed. His wide frame barely fit, as a small part of him hung outside the bed frame.

I sit on the floor by the bed, being eye level to his lying frame. The setting sun's golden rays hit a portion of his face as I focused on his features. Adrianos' face was peaceful, with no stress lines etched in it.

His dark eyebrows looked too good to be natural, yet the fine baby hairs told me it was another God-given gift he was lucky to have. His nose was long and fine, with a small scar etched right on the bridge. My eyes glanced towards his enticing full pink lips that stood in contrast to his dark skin.

Men were described as handsome, yet Adrianus was more than that; he was gorgeous. He had no flaws and it made me wonder how lucky he must be to have the looks, the riches, and such great friends.

I grew up in a normal neighbourhood in the suburbs. My father was of Japanese descent and my mother was German, blue eyes blond hair just like the rest of the neighbourhood. I was told by many that I had my father's facial features and dark hair, while the only part of me that resembled my mother was my blue-coloured irises.

We weren't rich and I always felt like an outcast, whether back home and in here. How unfortunate must I be to face loneliness in both worlds? I was seen as an outcast for my looks, as the rest of my siblings were significantly younger than I and didn't attend school.

My twin brothers were born when I was six years old and my youngest sister when I was fourteen. She probably doesn't even remember my existence, or maybe my existence to all of them was completely erased.

I always wondered how their lives changed after I went missing.

As the sunlight disappears and darkness blankets my home, I pull my knees up to my chest and lay my head. I knew I wouldn't get a blink of sleep tonight, as the King's guard. With another glance at the fine specimen that I vowed to protect, I opened my ears for any noise as my eyes closed shut.

The night was quiet except for the rushing water by the nearby stream and the occasional bird noises. I lifted my head to check on Adrianus and saw sweat glisten his forehead and bare chest with the help of the small table lamp.

I gently place the back of my hand on his forehead to feel it burning hot as if he was being cooked right there and then. I immediately get to my feet and the bucket of cool water I collected earlier.

Dunking a piece of cloth in the water and wringing most of the liquid away, I place it on his forehead. I inspected his scars, hoping his sudden illness wasn't due to an infection and just as his body is weak from the injuries.

The scars were clean and clear as I let out a sigh of relief. My fingers swept away his long, unruly hair from his face, as I tried to ease his discomfort.

A pair of dark blue yes blinked right back at me and I looked down. Up until they opened, I wasn't aware of how close my face was with his own. A sly smirk took over his mouth, as his large hands grabbed my wrist, which held the cloth.

It was clear he still hasn't slept off the liquor and I'm sure his fever made him even more hazed.

"I died, didn't I?"

He questions and I raise a single eyebrow. This childish expression on this rugged, grown man's face just warmed my heart.

"No, I"m afraid you are very much alive."

I teasingly smile back, enjoying the first glimpse of the man I saved.

"Than why is there an angel before my eyes. Unless Cal tricked me into eating those god-forsaken 'shrooms again."

I couldn't help the laugh that escaped my lips. In the short time that I had known him, Cal seemed to be like the type that drugged his best friend, king or not.

"Although you are quite drunk, you are not drugged on mushrooms."

I stated ignoring his earlier comment. I never got compliments and when I did, I reacted quite awkwardly to them. Although Adrianos most likely won't remember this conversation, I'd much rather prefer being viewed as a life-saving angel, over an awkward girl.

"Why am I here? Where's Max?"

"You got severely injured and nearly drowned. I saw and came for your help and to answer your other question, Max had gone to the kingdom to inform of your wellbeing."

"He did good of leaving me here. Finally enjoy some time away from those old nagging royal advisors."

He slurred out, yet the prominent emotion of distaste and exhaustion laced his tone. Maybe I shouldn't have judged him when he was unconscious. I knew that looks, money, and power had value, but maybe it wasn't everything.

"Cal will be here soon to bring you back to the castle."

"Well, I guess I should enjoy this limited time I have away from my duties."

He gave a lazy smile towards me again. Several moments passed in utter silence when we both spoke up at the same time.

"What's your name?"

"You should rest."

I let out a small smile as he laughed. It sounded so carefree, joyful, and magical, especially after the past few sombre days.

"Tell me your name."

He demanded lightly. I always expected a king to be a seriously old man with a white beard and pouch belly from all the delights he can afford; not a young man with a thick mane for a hair and beard and far from a pouch belly, in fact, more like he was a structure sculpted to look like the Greek Gods.

"If I tell you my name, will you rest? You should get as much sleep as possible after all the trauma your body encountered?"

He thought for a second about my offer before shaking his head.

"I'll figure out your name sooner or later. Until then you will be called Enkeli."


"Angel in my mother tongue."

"In that case, it's only right I give you a nickname."

I joked despite knowing his real name.

"Very well, but make sure it's a good one."

"I'll call you Shouwang."

"Shou- wang"

He slurred out, testing his new name. A smile broke out on his face as he kept repeating it.

"I like it, but what does it mean?"

"It's in my mother tongue and I'll tell you once you go to sleep."

"I guess I have to wait for that too."

He sighed before humming away. I was surprised that he can sing as well. We couldn't be more opposite if we tried. For me, I would rather dance on fire than sing more than two lines.

We talked about the most randomest things, from the tea I harvested to his beloved sword. Somehow the conversation moved to how fish swam, in which he puffed up his face like one of a fish. My eyes wandered down to his lips as he puckered them out, but I snapped out of in an instant at the quick topic change to the red berries near my house.

In the meantime, I cleaned the bucket of water and arranged my tea leaves. I folded some newly washed clothes and adjusted one of my dresses to make a loose shirt for Adrianus."

I had just finished sowing the last stitch on the dress and turned my back to Adranis momentarily to place it on the table when I heard a loud clanking noise. Turning my head to face him, Adrianus was testing out the sword by the bed.

I froze momentarily at the sight before my eyes. My eyes wandered from the tip of the sword to his sculpted body, With a sword in his hand, unruly hair, muscles in display, and full height he was the epitome of a warrior and king.


Thank you to all who have given this story a try and voted and commented your thoughts. I really appreciate it and hope you enjoy this story as much as you did MTTN :)

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