Chapter 26

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"Sierra, is there a reason why you didn't tell us about this?" Ashley asked. "We're family, you shouldn't be afraid to tell us something. Besides, I thought you agreed that you wouldn't lie to us. It's a shame, really."

"Technically speaking, you never asked me anything about my past, so I never gave any false answers. I just chose not to tell you. It's not lying, it's called knowing when to shut my mouth. It seems like you struggle with that."

"Sierra, how you could say something like that? Look, you seem like you're going through a difficult time, and I'm just trying to help. Wouldn't you feel more comfortable if there was another girl here to vent to?"

"You're the last girl I'd pick to ever step foot in this house. You're an abomination to humanity."

"Yeah, no one likes you, Ashley. Go fuck yourself."

"Gavin, why are you treating me like this? I've done nothing but try to be kind towards you. If I was your mother, I'd be furious with how you're acting. You're a disappointment, Gavin."

"If he's a disappointment, then you're a failure and lost cause. I've had it with your bullshit, Ashley," Adrian yelled. "I tried being the peacemaker in this feud, but it's not working. You always play the victim even when you're the one pulling these types of stunts. It's a fucking disgrace, and it's about time that we stood up to your toxicity."

"Yeah, and you never apologize for shit," Cole added. "You really think that I didn't notice how terrible you are? Anyone with a brain can tell that you're a manipulative person, and I knew something was off about you the moment you told Sierra to find another seat back at that restaurant. I tried to be neutral and stay out of this conflict, but I'm not doing this anymore. Sierra's my sister, and regardless if she shares the same mother as us or not, she's still part of this family. If you can't even treat her with a sense of decency, then get the hell out."

At this rate, even Cole was coming to my defense which shocked me. We didn't talk much besides that one time where he let me play basketball with his friends, but even so, I still appreciated the gesture.

"Cole, how could you say that? You're much better than that."

"Does it look like I give a shit what you think?"

"Fucking piece of scum," Ashley snapped. "I can see why you're the least favorite child now."

"The fuck did you just say?"

"Your mother would be ashamed of you if she could see you right now. The only things you do are date girls and ride motorcycles. It's pretty pathetic."

"At least I don't go around playing the victim and act like a bitch for crying out loud."

"At least I'm not a manwhore who probably has an STD from the amount of people I fucked," Ashley responded. "You really take after your father, don't you?"

"Shut the fuck up," Jett growled. "Don't ever mention our father again, or you'll regret it. You've been nothing but a nuisance this entire time, and I'm still wondering why Stefano stayed with you."

"Oh, do you really want to know why he stayed with me? It's quite hilarious, actually." Ashley giggled.

"Ashley, don't you dare," Stefano warned. "You're going to regret this."

"What? You're afraid to tell your family that you only dated me for personal gain?

"Shut your trap."

"Well, no need to be so pessimistic. I'm sorry your plan to use me for information from a rival business failed."

"Stefano, what the hell is she talking about?" Jett asked. "I thought you said that you weren't going to go down that route. You told me that you had genuine feelings for her."

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