Chapter 32

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"I-I'm confused," was all I could say. I didn't have any feelings for Jace, but I didn't want to be too harsh towards him. "Out of everyone here, why would you like me?"

"What isn't there to like about you? You're pretty, you're popular, and you're related to the Rossi brothers. Anyone would be lucky to date you."

"Uh thanks, but there's plenty of other people who'd kill to date you. Why don't you give them a chance?"

"They're too easy for me, and I prefer a challenge. Anyways, you're much prettier than all of them."

"Is that all you see in me and others, just our physical appearance? You can't measure someone's worth just by how they look, Jace."

"Well, I did mention that you're also popular."

"That's ridiculous. Would you still be interested in me even if I turned out to be a bitch and treated half the school like garbage?"

"At this school, only your popularity matters. After all, the only reason people send their children here is to build connections with other influential families. Anyways, most popular people here are bitches, so it wouldn't bother me that much." 

"Look Jace, what I'm trying to say is there's more to someone than their social status and appearance. Next time you ask someone out, maybe do it because of their personality or character. I'm not interested in dating you."

"I really wish you weren't so abrupt with your answer Sierra. Perhaps you'll change your mind after you hear what I have to say."

"No thanks, I find your company quite revolting at the moment."

"You better shut up if you know what's good for you." What the fuck, this wasn't the Jace from before. Either he had a facade or something tipped him off the edge.

"I don't know who you're trying to fool, but there are cameras all over this school."

"Not in this specific area," he winked. "Anyways, I guess I should show you what I'm talking about." He handed me a phone with a video.

The video consisted of Adrian getting injured by other people, who I presumed to be enemies of Stefano's mafia. Then, the realization hit me: how was Jace able to obtain this footage?

"Were you the one who recorded this video?"

"Well, obviously."

"And you decided to record instead of helping him? I thought you guys were friends."

"What are you, stupid? You really think I'm friends with those people? The only reason I associate myself with them is for their connections."

"Whatever you're doing, I want no part of it."

"You have no choice, unless you want what happened to Adrian to happen to your other brothers. If that's the case, who should I start off with? Maybe Gavin?"

"Stay away from my family, you piece of shit. I don't know what's gotten into you, but I want no part of what you're doing."

"Listen, if you don't agree to go out with me, I'll do much worse than what happened to Adrian."

"As if that could happen," I scoffed. That was a bad choice.

In an instant, he threw a punch to my stomach. Since I was caught off guard, I fell backwards, being unable to block.

"What the hell, I thought you were the school's golden boy. Where did that go?"

"I don't even know what you're talking about. The people who call me that are too stupid for their own good. Now are you going to go out with me or not?"

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