I don't want to kiss you prank (on billie)

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first chapter let me know how you guys feel about it give me any suggestion about which pranks you wanna see next :))))

Y/N pov
"okay imma set the camera up here hopefully she doesn't see it" i whisper to the camera
"Okay hey everyone, Umm. This is the I don't want to kiss you prank on my girlfriend of 3 years Billie"
I say then check the time on my watch. " Right now it's about 7pm billie finishes up from the studio and gets back home at around this time and i'm waiting for Billie to come back home. Baby if you're watching this i'm sorry I love you" i said and evil laughed

"Okay basically guys if you don't already know the prank is to basically not kiss Billie she should be here any minute now the camera is set up imma go eat my candy and act like I'm watching tv when she walks in"

About 10 minutes later i hear the front door of our house open with a very sexy billie coming inside. I acted like i didn't realize she walked in, but i obviously knew she was there.

"Hey baby" she says and i finally make eye contact with her i give her a small smile and say "heyy". she goes up to the counter putting down her black backpack down before making her way to me.

she sits on the coach takes her shoes off and hoodie leaving her in a bra and sweatpants i had to act like that didn't phase me for the act but in reality she looked soooo fucking hot.

"what are you watching Y/N/N" she says as she leans in to give me a kiss but i face the tv so she leans her chin on my shoulder looking up at me. "kiss me, i missed you baby" she says puckering her lips and making a kissy noise. "Mm not right now billie i'm watching the movie" i say and she furrows her eyebrow and give me a frown.

"what do you mean. can i just have a quick kiss then you can go back to your movie it's not like your gonna miss half the movie while giving me a small kiss" she says chucking trying to make a joke

"Can i please have a kiss i've been gone all day i missed you" she says pulling our bodies even closer
"Bil stawppp baby not right now okay?"
"why not tho i want a kiss now baby" i ignore her and focus on the movie
"Fine whatever be like that" she lets go of me then gets up then leaves to the kitchen without saying a word, fuck now i feel bad poor baby.

After like less than 5 minutes she comes back to the living room with an apple in her hands and her hair tied up in a loose cute bun i loved it when she did that she just looked so effortlessly beautiful. She sits back down and we sit in silence for another 10 minutes with her taking glances at me every once in a while then pouting.

The movie continues and i'm still putting my full and undivided attention on it. I feel billies stare on the side of my face then she finally snaked her arms on my waist and leaned her chin on my shoulders again. I hear billie let out a frustrated a barely audible sigh, signaling that she wants my attention. she's acting like a little clingy baby right now hehhehe. She whines again and i start pulling away from her grasp on my hips " y/n baby why don't you wanna kiss me" she pouts
"after the movie baby not right now" i say then get back to watching the movie.

"uffff" i hear her say as she got up and grabbed the remote and turns the tv off.

"bro what the fuck billie there was still like one hour left, give me the remote" i say but all she does is smirk "Yay do i finally have your attention. Can i have a kiss now and i'll give you the remote to get back to your stinky movie" she says cupping my face and looking at me lovingly waiting for her kiss.

"Billieeee i just don't feel like it right now" i whine trying to make up an excuse

"what do you mean you don't feel like it right now, did i do something" she asks softly still cupping my cheeks

"No no you haven't done anything baby i'm just not in the mood" i try justifying myself "but baby it's just a quick kiss, im not gonna stop annoying you until you give me a kiss." she says and starts kissing all over my face. I laugh lightly and try pushing her away. "Bil stoppp" she stops kissing me for a second "give me a kiss first" and kisses all over my face again. i manage to get out of her grip and get up going to the kitchen where the camera could also see and hear us.

She follows behind me "baby what's wrong, your never like this i don't understand, are you mad at me or something ?, what did i do?" She says and gives me a hug from behind pressing my back against her front. She kisses my shoulder softly and i don't respond knowing if i do and turn around to face her those perfect lips and the view of her cleavage will tempt me. She drags me by my waist forcefully and i let out a little squeal and a laugh and she sets me down gently on the chair trying to kiss me again right before she reaches my lips i put my pointer finger over her lips and her eyes suddenly open giving me a frown and a pout.

"Baby, come one, the movies off. There's literally no other reason that you shouldn't kiss me right now!!" she says and i get off the chair, she follows me and i sit down back on the couch. I sit down and go through my phone scrolling through social media.

"Baby please" she says in an almost desperate tone. The tone in her voice makes me look up from my phone and into her eyes a single tear falls and she looks down.
"what did i do?" she says in almost a whisper fiddling with her ring on her hands. I don't respond and just look at her kinda shocked she's crying right now i felt so bad i didn't do anything. "Baby?" she says waiting for an answer.

I finally come to my senses i put my phone down and gently cup her cheeks to look at me "Love it's a prank" i whisper and smile whipping her tears away and giving her a gentle kiss on her forehead "What?". I get up and go grab the camera "that's it for the prank guys hope you enjoyed" i laughed "what do you have to say billie you just got fucking pranked baby" i bragged "You'll see, just wait until i get your ass back baby" she says "yea yea okay" i said "we'll guys don't forget to like subscribe and what not byeeee!! we love youuu!! see ya" i say and stop the camera.

I walk over to billie and straddle her lap cupping her face in my hands "It's a prank you idiot, you know i love you and kissing you" i whisper softly and she gives me a cute little smile. "Can i have a kiss now?" she whispers and i tilt her chin up, letting her beautiful roses plump lips meet mine. My hands continue to caress her face while her hands are on my hips she pulls me closer and we switch position her now straddling my laps. Ahhhh feels much more natural now with her straddling me. I pull her closer to me and run my fingers through her hair and down her bare back, i felt her smiling into the kiss which made me smile.

"Please don't ever fucking do that again, i love kissing you, never ever again okay?" she whispers into the kiss. "never ever again baby" i whisper back "i love you" i said in a whisper in between kissing her "i love you too baby" she whispers and kisses me each time.

I tip us both on the coach with her laying on top of me now she squeals and smiles. Billies smile is one of the many things that i love and adore about her.

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