Chapter 8: Charlie's Big Mistake That Lead to Something Great

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A/N: Just letting you know now that this chapter is going to deal with some misogynistic stuff.


Gwendolyn was panicking.

There had been a calling for every student at Welton to meet in the main hall for an announcement. It was the day after Charlie had slipped in his article. Gwendolyn thought that this announcement couldn't be anything but that endeavour. She sat there in the pew, her knee bouncing furiously which was obviously annoying the the boy on her right side who gave her a icy glare. She couldn't help it. Pressing down on her knee, she forced it to stop bouncing and instead started to bite the inside of her cheek, something less distracting. Todd, who was sitting on her other side, reached out and placed his hand on top of hers. Gwendolyn swallowed as Todd gave her hand a squeeze. Neil caught her eye and gave her a soft smile.

As Mr. Nolan and his colleagues stormed into the hall, the students stood until they were given the order to be seated. Gwendolyn could feel her stomach heaving and was glad she had decided not to eat much for breakfast that morning.

Mr. Nolan removed his glasses, "This weeks edition of Welton Honour there appeared a profane and unauthorized article." Gwendolyn felt sick and her hand gripped Todd's. "Rather than spend my valuable time ferreting out the guilty persons...and let me assure you I will find them, I'm asking any and all students who know anything about this article to make themselves known here and now. Whoever the guilty persons are, this is your only chance to avoid expulsion from this school." Suddenly a phone began to ring, loud and piercing. Gwendolyn looked about confusedly, no longer thinking about standing up and admitting what she did.

"Welton Academy, hello?" A voice rung out, the voice of Charles Dalton. Gwendolyn closed her eyes in a silent groan. "Yes he is. Just a moment." He stood up holding the receiver, "Mr. Nolan, it's for you. It's God. He says we should have girls at Welton." All the boys laughed except the members of the Dead Poets Society.

Gwendolyn let go of Todd's hand and stood up jerkily, "It was me Mr. Nolan sir." The laughter cut short and turned into murmurs of disgust. Charlie looked at her in disbelief.

"It wasn't! She has nothing to do with this!"

"Don't listen to Mr. Dalton sir, it was all my fault. I wrote the article and made Mr. Dalton publish it. He is not to blame."

Charlie spluttered, "She's lying Mr. Nolan!"

"Enough!!" Mr. Nolan boomed, "I want to see both of you in my office immediately!" Gwendolyn moved out of her pew, locking eyes with Todd who looked scared. She held her chin eye, not daring to look at her father for the expression of disappointment which would be etched on his face, would kill her.

With Charlie following in suite, the two left the front hall, not knowing whether they would be attending classes at Welton ever again.


Gwendolyn sat stick straight in the chair beside the door trying to keep her breathing in check. She flinched as Charlie was struck with a paddle and given the demand to count aloud. After the fifteenth hit, Mr. Nolan gave an ultimatum, "Turn in everyone, apologize to the school and all will be forgiven."

Charlie straightened stiffly and walked over to where Gwendolyn sat. He sent a wordless apology.

"Mr. Dalton, if you would." Mr. Nolan gestured to the door.

"You're not gonna hurt her, are you?" Charlie asked, his voice raspy.

"Leave Mr. Dalton." He barked. Charlie left, shutting the door with a loud click. "Miss Keating, come here please." Gwendolyn walked over to Mr. Nolan, her knees feeling wobbly. "To say I am disappointed in you would be an understatement." Gwendolyn stayed silent, "I gave you permission to attend classes at Welton Academy, despite the many complaints from the parents of several students. There has never been a girl at Welton Academy Miss Keating, I hope you understand the backlash I've faced because of my decision. And this is how you repay me for my kindness? An article stating that girls should be allowed to attend Welton. An opinion you obviously share with Mr. Dalton and a strong one at that. I ask why Miss Keating, why do you and Mr. Dalton think that?"

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