2. Hospital

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At the hospital~

Y/n's Pov

"She is in room 145. It is this way." The receptionist said as she stood up from her seat and kindly pointed in the room my mom was in.

"Thank you so much." I quickly said as I tightly held onto Young-mi's hand.

We walked towards the direction and stopped in front of room 145. I nervously gulped. I opened the door and revealed my mom lying in bed as Young-mi hid behind my back.

"Y/n... Young-mi..." My mom softly spoke. She must be in all sorts of pain.

"Mommy!!" Young-mi let go of my hand as she ran and stood next to my mom.

"Hey, mom..." I said.

I noticed she was bruised, had a couple of patches covered in blood, and had her legs stuck in a cast.

"Mommy, when will you come home? Y/n was going to make dinner." Young-mi questioned as my mom softly chuckled.

"We will see, honey. Mommy is still recovering." She replied to her before she glanced at me.

She seemed like she needed to talk to me about something. I can just tell from her gaze.

"Hey Young-mi, do you remember where the friendly receptionist is?" I turned to her and asked as I smiled.

"Yes, of course, I do!" She excitedly said.

"Is it okay if you can go to her and ask where the cafeteria is? Can you also please buy some food for mom? She must be very hungry... Here I will give you some money." I kindly asked her as she gave me a thumbs up.

"Okay! I will be back!" I handed her some money as she quickly left the room.

"Y/n..." My mom spoke, and she no longer looked at me as she was glancing down at the bed.

"I can explain what happened..."

"I was working at the retail store, and as I was going up the escalator, there was an incident where it got stuck and stopped moving. I was already nearby the top with a few people ahead of me, and no one was behind me."

"Suddenly, someone from the top lost their balance when the escalator got stuck, and they fell on top of me, which caused me to fall. I ended up falling all flights of stairs on the escalator." She explained as I sighed and sat down on the chair next to her.

"I didn't expect for my legs to be paralyzed..." She was noticeably upset.

"I-I got fired from both of my jobs as soon as they heard I was paralyzed..." She suddenly said as I clenched my jaw.

I placed my elbows on her bed and put my hands on my forehead as I tried to contain myself. I felt too stressed.

"I'm sorry, honey... I could try to get another job." She suddenly said as I glanced up at her.

"Mom, don't work! I don't want you to get more hurt." I felt so frustrated.

"But Y/n, I need to provide for the family..." She started tearing up.

"You can't work in this condition. It's fine, mom. I will get another job." I said as my mom moved her hand onto my shoulder.

"No, Y/n! You can't have two jobs! It'll be too much for you!" She seemed worried for me as I grew more frustrated.

"Mom! You are the only parent Young-mi, and I have left! We can't afford to lose you too!" I suddenly stood up and yelled as I tried to calm myself down.

"I'm sorry for yelling..." I sat back down on the chair and glanced down at the floor.

"I know that you want to provide for this family, but don't worry. A second job won't kill me. I will try my best to provide for the family financially until you can work again." I said to her as I clenched my jaw again.

"I'm sorry Y/n for disappointing you and Young-mi as a mother..." My mom started crying as I held onto her hand.

"Don't be sorry. This wasn't your fault. Also, don't worry about me. I promise I will be okay. Just please take care of yourself..." I told my mom as she slowly nodded.

"Y/n, you are an amazing daughter... I am sorry that you were unfortunately not able to follow your dreams..." She sighed.

She must have been keeping all of this to herself ever since I had to work right after high school.

"It's okay, mom. I am happy right where I am now." I faintly smiled.

I wasn't happy, and I couldn't be happy. I felt so much stress and pressure, but I kept trying to suppress it in front of others because I wanted to be seen as reliable.

Fuck, what do I do now?...

In Love With My Ceo | M. Mina x Fem. ReaderTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang