31. I Quit!

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A few months later~

I haven't slept well for months on end. It's all because Mina and Somi have been becoming closer and closer.

Every day coming to work has been driving me nuts.

I am currently walking into the office as I walk over to my desk. When I reached my desk, I sat down and lifted my head.

Just my luck... I saw Mina and Somi conversing with one another.

Mina seemed to be so happy besides Somi as she was smiling. She used to only smile with me...

Suddenly, Mina started laughing at Somi's jokes as Mina moved her arm and softly pushed Somi's hair out of her face.

I became angry as I quickly stood up from my desk and walked to the bathroom as fast as possible. I badly needed to take a break.

As I walked inside the bathroom, I stood in front of the sink and glanced at myself in the mirror. I turned on the sink and splashed water on my face to make myself feel better. I wiped my face dry.

But then, a voice spoke out at the other end of the bathroom.

"Have you seen Ms. Myoui and her new secretary?" A lady working on my floor spoke to her coworker.

"Yeah, don't they seem so cute?" Her coworker seemed thrilled based on her exciting actions.

"I hope to see them together. They would have lovely kids!" The lady said as I tightly gripped the sink.

I took a few deep breaths before clenching my jaw and leaving the bathroom. As I walked back to my desk, Jihyo approached me.

"Are you doing okay, Y/n?" Jihyo suddenly asked. She hasn't spoken to me since she last confessed to me.

"I'm fine..." I replied as Jihyo didn't leave my side.

"Are you sure? You look upset." Jihyo kept questioning me as it frustrated me more.

I glanced at Mina and Somi, still enjoying themselves as I turned my head to the papers on my desk and quickly shuffled through it.

"Yeah, I'm sure." I wanted her to leave...

"Are you-" I cut her off before she could ask me again.

"Just leave me alone!" I shouted at Jihyo. Suddenly all the eyes were on me. Even Mina and Somi.

I gathered my belongings in my bag and walked out of the office out of embarrassment.

As I drove home, I started crying. I couldn't hold it in anymore. I hated my life. I hated my feelings, and I hated how it was affecting me.

When I reached the house and opened the door, I saw my mom and Young-mi in the living room watching TV.

My mom turned around and looked at me.

"Are you okay? Why are you crying?" My mom worriedly asked.

"I-I just need some alone time..." I ran up to my room and closed my door shut as I jumped on the bed.

I covered myself in my blanket as I sobbed for hours on end.

A few hours later~

I heard knocks on the door as I figured it was my Mom or Young-mi. But I didn't feel like talking to them at the moment.

"Y/n. it's me, Dahyun." Dahyun spoke from the other side of the door.

I quickly got out of bed and opened the door.

"May I come in?" She politely asked as I nodded, and she walked into my room and sat on my bed. I sat next to her.

"Your mom told me you might've needed company..." Dahyun spoke, she seemed unsure of what to do.

"Tell me everything that is going on. Or anything that you are thinking about." She suggested as I fidgeted with my hands.

"I-I..." I struggled to speak.

"I know you aren't the type to open up about your feelings and that you would rather have people depend on you. But, there are times where you need to depend on us too." Dahyun tried to reason with me as I deeply sighed; she was right.

"I-I love her too much, Dahyun. I couldn't let go of her when she moved me down to be an errands girl again. It hurt me so badly..."

"How can someone one day treat me like someone close to them and then treat me like strangers the next day? It's unfair, and I am so confused..."

"It's been months, Dahyun. It's getting harder for me to move on being around her and her stupid secretary!" I began shouting in frustration as tears ran down my face. Dahyun pulled me into a hug.

"Y/n... I know this is the last thing you want to do, but I think you need to quit your job. You can work at the cafe again."


"I know you don't want to leave. But for you to move on. It would be best if you quit your job there, and it will hurt for a bit, but it will be the best decision for you in the long term."

"I know your money situation is tight because you are the only one providing money for your family, but the school meal club can all help you pay off your needs."

"I can't have you all do that for me..." I nervously spoke, I'm not used to having people help me.

"Yes, you can. You have helped us through so much, and now it's your turn to depend on us. So allow us to help you. We only want what is best for you, and we would help you achieve it no matter what." Dahyun reassured me as I nodded.

"I'll listen to your advice... I'll quit my job and start working at the cafe again." I need to do this for me. It'll help me in the end.

"I'll stay silent while you call your boss." Dahyun let go of the hug as she patiently waited.

I glanced down at my phone, looking at Mina's phone number.

The thought of calling Mina for the last time left me feeling shaken.

I ended up dialing her phone number as she answered.

"Hello? This is Somi, the secretary of Ms. Myoui." Somi answered the phone, which left my heart aching. Why did she answer Mina's phone? Are they that close?

"Hello?" Somi answered.

"Ah yes, hello, it's Ms. Kim. May I talk to Ms. Myoui?"

"Sure thing, let me give her the phone."

"Hello? Ms. Kim? What is it that you need?" Mina spoke.

"I wanted to inform you that I will be quitting working at Myoui entertainment."

Silence arose in the call for a few seconds. Mina didn't speak.

"Alright, thank you, Ms. Kim, for your contribution to the company."

Before I could continue talking, Mina ended the phone call as I clenched my jaw.

It's over. Being around Mina... It's all over...

I once again started sobbing as Dahyun was there to comfort me.

I can't believe it. Now I have to go on with my life and forget Mina.

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