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Xisuma leaned his back against the wall, struggling to catch his breath. Blood trickled from his stab wound, dripping into a puddle on the floor. The admin pulled his hand off the injury, his glove completely stained with red. He wiped the blood on his armor, a smudged handprint of crimson blood decorating his purple chestplate.

Stress was off looking through the chests in the house, trying to gather up materials for their escape, leaving Xisuma with his thoughts. The Brit tugged his communicator out of his pocket, staring down at the circular disk while reading over the main chat.

Based on the hermits conversations, they still weren't aware of what was about to come. The admin typed a message, hitting enter in hopes that the hermits could get to safety.

<Xisuma> There's no time to explain, but we're all in danger. Leave everything behind, and fly as far north as you can, until you reach the world border. Hide out until I get there. Don't waste any time. I'll explain everything when we're safe.

<MumboJumbo> what?

<Zedaph> omw

<cubfan135> this better not be a prank

<Xisuma> it isn't, I swear. Just meet me at the world barrier

'Hopefully I can make it there in time,' the admin thought to himself as he tucked the communicator back into his pocket, entering Ex's bedroom. Stress was searching through one of the chests, taking out a bit of cobblestone, redstone, wood, and other random bits that she could find.

"Did you find anything?" Xisuma asked while sitting down on the edge of his brother's bed, the brunette smiling as she shut the chest.

"It looks like mostly everything was cleared out, but I managed to find a few scraps all throughout the house. This should be enough to make a sticky piston and a button, meaning we can move the obsidian by the front door!"

Xisuma breathed a sigh of relief. "This is perfect. Thank you, Stress."

"You can thank me once we get out of here." Stress said, scooping the pile of materials into her arms. She walked over to the crafting table in the corner, crafting a piston before adding the slimeball.

She and Xisuma left the bedroom, heading to the front door. "I do have a question, though." Stress said to the admin.

"Why couldn't we just ask one of the hermits to get us out of here?"

"It's too risky," Xisuma said, "it could take too long for them to get here, and I don't want anything to happen to one of the hermits."

"I wish I knew what was going on. Does it have to do with Ex and Bdubs?"

"Yeah. But I'd rather explain it to everyone at once.." Xisuma said while pinching the bridge of his nose, the admin anxiously anticipating the watcher's arrival.

Stress broke the front door, beginning to move the obsidian into the house so that they could escape. "Whatever is happening, it'll be okay." She assured the panicking admin, hitting the button to pull the block of obsidian forward.

"I hope so," Xisuma said groggily, which Stress could hear in his voice. She glanced up at the Brit, frowning at his bleeding wound.

"I should really take care of that injury, X. It looks bad."

"I'll be fine, I can drink a healing potion when I get back to my base." Xisuma said, turning away as he headed into his bedroom.

The Silver Sun - A Hermitcraft Watcher AUDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora