22| Killer

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"Oh my gosh," I heard Isla whisper. "This is so cute. I'm gonna take a picture."

"If either of them find out, they're gonna kill you," I heard Zane whisper back.

"I'm pregnant," she said in a duh tone. "They aren't gonna touch me." I heard Zane mumble something else. I felt something beneath me shift.

"What are you doing here?," I heard Grayson ask them, sleepily. His chest vibrating with each word he said. Why can I feel his chest vibrating? Can they all just go away? I'm still really tired.

"I rang, you weren't answering the phone," Zane replied. I stretched and rolled over almost falling off the couch. I let out a small yelp, the sleepiness disappearing, before an arm wrapped itself around my waist, pulling me back up onto the couch.

"Get off," I muttered, pushing Grayson's hands away from me once I was safely on the couch. "What are you doing here?," I asked Isla and Zane. Isla gave me a sly smile before shoving her phone in my face.

"I couldn't resist!," she squealed. "It's too cute!" On her phone was a picture of me sprawled out on top of Grayson who somehow was still sitting up rather than laying down.

"Delete that right now!," I almost screamed at her as I watched her struggle to contain her laughter. A small smile tugged at my lips as I chased her around, not wanting to tackle her because of her unborn baby. I'll get her back once the baby's here. "Gray!," I yelled from the kitchen grabbing his attention. "I'm gonna kill you!"

"What did I do now?," he grumbled.

"It's your fault," I blamed him, walking back into the main room. "If you didn't fall asleep last night, I would have gone upstairs to my bed."

"Yeah. I bet you would've. But it's fine, blame me."

"Well, I will blame you," I shrugged knowing a random outburst was coming for no reason, wanting to slap the cold hard truth at his face. "It's your fault that I didn't see my family in almost five years. It's your fault, I'm back here. It's your fault for making me leave all those years ago." I heard Isla and Zane leave as Grayson and I had a face off in the main room.

"I've apologised for that!," he exclaimed.

"Yeah, you did but did you really mean it?" He stayed silent for a moment. I slowly shook my head before letting out a scoff.

"I did mean it. I still mean it but you don't believe me."

"I shouldn't have come here. I don't know why my wolf believed you when you said you changed." He let out an annoyed sigh.

"Alana," he said. "I'm not perfect, okay. I fuck up again and again and I have fucked up a lot of times. But that doesn't mean I haven't changed. It just means that I keep going back to my old ways and I'm trying to fucking stop that from happening."

"I know you're not perfect. No one is," I said. "But, Grayson, the things I heard about you through those five years are way worse than what I heard from before I even met you."

"I know. I was angry. I was-I was jealous. When I heard you were with a guy, all I saw was red," he stuttered.

"But it's not just that though, is it? I only went out with a guy once yet the stories about you were getting worse day by day."

He paced back and forth in front of me. "I admit I fucked up more than once but-."

"-but what?," I interrupted his sentence. "You killed those people for fun?"

"That's not what I was gonna say!," he stressed out. "If you think that about me, then you don't know me."

"How can I get to know you if you don't give me the chance to?," I asked him. "Grayson, we're adults now. We shouldn't be acting like kids. You shouldn't be going around killing people for no fucking reason!"

"Believe me, they deserved it," he said bitterly. I gave him a disapproving look. "I can't change myself completely but I've tried to and I am trying to change. You don't know my past just like how I don't know yours."

"I've heard the stories," I told him.

"Then you know I'm a killer."

"I know you killed your dad," I said softly. He clenched his jaw as he closed his hands into fists. His knuckles turned white before he turned and stalked out of the house, slamming the door behind him.

Maybe that wasn't the right choice of words.

Graysons' PoV
She knows. She knows. Why hasn't she left yet? I let out a grunt as I punched the punching bag again and again. "We don't know how much she knows yet," my wolf, Ice, spoke, attempting to soothe my worrying mind.

"She might know everything," I told him. "When I find out who told her, I'm gonna murder them."

"No you're not," my wolf said sternly. "Killing people is what got you into this mess in the first place."

"Hey, Alpha," a pack member said in a high pitched tone. I let out a sigh and turned towards whoever it is.

"What?," I snapped. I just wanted to punch something.

"I heard your mate is back," she stated as she strutted towards me and touched my bicep. I looked at her weirdly. "What?"

"Take your hands off me before I break them," I hissed, not in the mood for anything.

"But, Gra-," she began to say.

"Listen here, Vanessa, I'm not in the mood to see or talk to you so get the fuck out of my face before I snap you in half," I threatened.

"One thing," she said gingerly, "My name is Bethany." This girl was really getting on my last nerve. I watched as she slowly turned and began walking away.

"I'm Alpha to you. Learn some respect, Beatrice." She looked back but refrained from speaking.

When she left, I turned back to the punching bag and released all my frustration and anger into that.

She knows and I've fucked up.

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