23| Signed, Marie

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Alana's PoV
"Grayson, I'm sorry," I said. "I shouldn't have said anything about it."

It's been a week and Grayson has successfully avoided me everyday but today he's not so lucky.

I followed him around the kitchen as I spoke. "Just talk to me, please." I feel so horrible because I brought it up and it's probably something he's not ready to share with me.

"Alana," he said sharply. "Can you just shut up about it?"

"No," I scoffed out. "I'm not gonna shut up until you speak to me."

"I am."

"You're not talking to me properly. Grayson, you made me come back here so you're gonna have to learn to communicate with me. So please, talk to me." He let out a sigh and began walking towards the stairs. I stayed where I was and watched him, filled with disappointment. He turned back and looked at me.

"You coming then?" I quickly nodded my head and followed him up the stairs and towards his room. I stood awkwardly in the hallway by the doorway of his room. He raised an eyebrow and looked back at me as he stood beside his bed. "You can come in, you know," he said. "I don't bite."

Hesitantly, I walked in. I don't think I've ever been in his room before, after all it has been five years. His room is exactly as I expected it to be. He has a bed in the middle of the room, pushed up against the wall. Across that, he has a couch and a tv with a small fireplace. On the other side of the room, he has two doors. One is a closet and the other is a bathroom. Near that, he has a desk with a bunch of papers covering it. His walls were a dark blue colour.

I watched as he disappeared in his closet only to come out a couple of minutes later with a box in his hands. He sat on the couch and patted the space next to him. Gingerly, I walked towards the couch and sat down beside him, the small box in between us. "You only know part of the story," he began. "No one knows what drove me to do it. To kill him." He slowly lifted the lid off the box. He stared at the contents for a moment.

"You don't have to tell me if you're not ready," I told him. He looked at me before looking back at the box.

"You wanna know the real me? Well this is it," he said as he picked up a photograph. He looked at it before turning to me. "This was my family." The word 'was' broke my heart. "I thought my family was perfect just like any other stupid kid. One day, I went to Zanes house for the first time and his home was the complete opposite of mine. His was filled with love and laughter whereas mine was filled with hate and violence."

He pulled out another photo and showed it to me. A beautiful woman stood beside a man that has the same facial features as Grayson. The woman looked almost sad as she looked down at the little boy in her arms.

"My father used to hurt my mom. Sometimes, I'd lay awake at night because all I could hear were her screams. I used to believe it was normal but deep down I knew it wasn't. She always tried to protect me from him but even she knew that he'd turn me into him. I was 12 years old when she died. The night she died, she knew she was gonna die. She made me make promises and it seemed like she was preparing me in her own way for life without her. She was terrified. She forced herself to leave my room that night. I wish I stopped her from leaving my room because he raped her that night and if I stopped her from leaving, it wouldn't have happened and maybe I'd still have my mom alive. I laid in my fucking bedroom like a coward, covering my ears with my pillow to try and stop her screams from reaching me. I didn't try to stop him. It's my fucking fault she died."

"No," I told him. "Don't ever say that. It was not your fault. You were a child. What could you have done in that situation?"

"I could have done something. Anything. I should've followed her, later that night, I heard her leave. I thought she might just want some fresh air but she didn't return. I woke up that morning to my father shaking me awake, yelling at me. When I told him I didn't know where she went, he left me alone. I went into their room and found her diary."

He took out a small journal that was old and crinkled. He opened it and turned the pages until he got to the very last one. The last page that was written in. He cleared his throat and began to read. My eyes began watering before he even read.

"I can't do it anymore. I can't. I can't live like this for the rest of my life. I feel used. Dirty. My body is constantly aching yet he doesn't care. My little Gray is too young to understand and for that I'm thankful. I've always tried so hard to make sure he doesn't become his father but it seems to be inevitable. My only hope is that Grayson will become the man I know he can be and more! With his fathers guidance, I feel that he'll become like him. A disgusting human.

I've told my parents what happens once the doors are shut and they've told me to keep my mouth shut and carry on because after all, my mate is an Alpha. I want to cry and scream. I feel suffocated. I'm drowning and the only thing that was keeping me afloat was Grayson but now knowing that he'll be watched over by a very good friend of mine, there's nothing keeping me above the water.

My beautiful boy, Grayson, if you ever find this diary then that means I'm no longer floating above the water. It means that I'm floating IN the water in the deepest, darkest parts of it. Be brave. I love you, muffin and remember your promise.


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