Chapter 19, Total Concentration Breathing

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_Author Pov_

The next day was the day where Zenitsu would be joining Tanjiro and Inosuke in training. Zenitsu was getting scared second by second as he walks through the halls.

The trio opened the door and Tanjiro headed toward you and greet you 'Good morning' first and the others.

'' You start over here. Those girls will make your bodies limber again after being bedridden for so long. Next is reflex training. These cups contain medicated water. The objective is to splash that medicated water to each other, But if your opponent blocks your cup before you can pick it up, you can't use that cup to splash. Last, full-body training. In simpler terms, You're playing tag. You will be up against me, Kanao, and maybe even Y/n if you managed to win against the two of us. '' Aoi explained what rehabilitation training was again since Zenitsu was joining today.

Zenitsu stand up and raised his hand. '' Can you excuse me for a minute? '' He asked to which Aoi agreed. He then turned to the guys and asks them to follow him. Tanjiro looks at him confused while Inosuke flat-out refused. But then, Zenitsu snapped and started yelling at them which shocked you and everyone else. He dragged the two of them by their shirt outside and slammed the door shut. The whole room was overcome by silence.

You all heard their whole conversation through the wall. Everyone looks shocked and disgusted, especially Aoi.

Zenitsu returned with a happy face, flowery aura surrounding him. While He was stretching, he was giggling and smiling in pure bliss. He then plays the cup game with Aoi. Just when Naho says 'Begin!' Aoi grabs a cup but Zenitsu grabs her hand and takes another cup. He then raised it to his face, smirking.''I would never splash tea on a girl.'' Aoi looks utterly disgusted by Zenitsu's pervy attitude.

For the full-body training, it was Aoi and Zenitsu again. When Naho said 'Begin!' Zenitsu ran quickly behind her and hugged her. Aoi punched him in the face, crossing her arms looking extremely annoyed.

Inosuke was fired up and beat Aoi at all training. Tanjiro look defeated, But none of them won against Kanao so defeating you is far from possible. But you didn't do anything the whole day other than stretching.

The next morning, you joined the training. Of course, none of them won against you. You were even faster than Kanao.

For the next couple of days, they kept on losing to both of you to the point where they've stopped coming to the training. Tanjiro was the only one left.

You walked with Tanjiro to his room, hoping to see Nezuko again. Of course, He agreed. The walk was quiet, both of you enjoying each other presence. You decided to start a conversation. '' Tanjiro-kun, Did You had fun at the training? '' You smiled brightly at him.

'' I guess so haha. Y/n-san, You really are amazing! You have such quick reflexes and really light on your feet. I think you're the strongest out of all of us. '' He compliment you, making your eyes sparkled. You thank him. You love being praised, it makes you feel less insecure about your abilities. '' If you ask me, i think Kana-nee is the strongest though.'' You look down. Smelling your insecurity, Tanjiro was about to cheer you up but got interrupted by the triplets.

The triplets shyly gave Tanjiro a towel. You don't really need one since you didn't sweat. They were easy opponents.

'' Tanjiro-sama! Have you done the Total Concentration Technique nonstop? '' Tanjiro let out a confused 'huh?'

Seeing He doesn't know what it is,you answered for them.'' It's Just as the name says. Using Total Concentration everyday nonstop! '' you replied enthusiastically.

'' Huh? Y/n-san? How do you know about that? '' 

'' Because I've mastered it of course! '' you answered with a proud smile.

'' HUH!? Is that even possible?! '' He asked back, shock written all over his face.

'' Well, since me, Kana-nee, Nee-sama and others are able to do it so I am sure it's possible. Mastering it makes you stronger and faster. And i am sure you'll be able to do it too! Do your best! Tanjiro-kun!'' You cheer for him.

'' Right, I will try my best! '' Tanjiro replied, feeling encouraged by your words.


It's been like 15 days and you saw Tanjiro working harder than before. You smiled at the scene.


It was nighttime and you decided to get some fresh air outside. You went to the roof and found Tanjiro meditating on your usual sitting spot.

'' Yoo-hoo~ Tanjiro-kun! ''

Looks like, He still didn't notice your presence yet. You sit next to him and move your face next to his to give him a scare.



_Taisho Secret_

You wanted to see Nezuko but turns out she's still sleeping.



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