Chapter 41, The Battle Has Begun!

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_Author Pov_

' Uhh, who should I help? '

You went towards where the siblings were. You jumped down from the building and saw Tanjiro is still struggling and Nezuko is still thrashing around. ' She's still thrashing around. Should I inject her some diphenhydramine? ' You thought as you scearch for the drug.

As you started to scearch, Tanjiro started singing, which seems to be a lullaby. You stopped scearching and stare at them. You gritted your teeth as your head started to pound. ' I hate lullabies. ' You message your scalp to ease the pain. ' Because as soon as I hears a lullaby, I always get an headache. I can always see vague images of a woman who I don't know of. '

After a while, Nezuko seems to snap out of it and started crying. You quietly stare at the scene as you watch from afar. Only after she falls asleep, you came out. Tanjiro suddenly stands up and check you for injuries which you look at him, confused.

'' I smelled your pain earlier so- '' Tanjiro tries to explain. You smiled. '' Ah, It's okay. I just scraped my knee. ''
Tanjiro frowns. '' That's a lie. '' Your smile twitched and then you smile in defeat. '' I can't lie to you, can't I? I just got a headache that's all. '' Tanjiro frowns again, in worry. '' Don't worry. It's gone now. You can smell it, can't you? '' You reassure him which he hesitantly nods, but still frowning. You open your mouth to reassure him again but got cut off by a explosion.

' Sickles? ' You two look at the flying weapons. ' The sickles are spinning and heading back. ' Tanjiro thought.

' Another one? I can feel the presence of two demons. Is this the demon I've been scearching for? ' You drew out your sword.

You look at the street as you feel two presences coming at you two. Tanjiro and you both brighten up as you both hear Inosuke laughter.

'' Inosuke has arrived, dumbass! Depend on me! yours truly! ''

Tanjiro went to put Nezuko into her box as you three prepare to attack.

'' Tanjiro-kun! Here! '' You give him a flask which contains some kind of purple liquid. Tanjiro looks at you in confusion. '' Pour that over your wound. It would numb the pain for a while. I'm sorry I can't warp you up properly. Don't strain yourself too much. '' Tanjiro looks at you with a thankful look and went with Nezuko.


'' Even as we speak, we're creeping towards victory, aren't we? '' Gyutaro speaks.

'' I don't know about that! Better not forget me! '' Inosuke yells. '' Not only your truly, Lord Inosuke, but his minions are here, as well! '' Inosuke yells again, referring to you and Zenitsu. You wave at them and smirked when your eyes landed on Gyutaro. ' I found you. ' Tanjiro then enter the battlefield.

'' You're right. As we speak, we're creeping towards victory. ''

'' Huh? ''

'' Hey, you guys....Talk about flashy entrances! That's what I like to see! '' Tengen exclaims As he readies his swords.

'' You can summon all the underlings You want...but there's no blissful nature waiting for you. '' Gyutaro said. '' So stop staring with those sparkly eyes. ''

'' We're going to win! '' Tengen declares.

'' No way you're going to w- '' Daki's head was fell to the floor before she even get the chance to finish her sentence. '' Did you know....action speaks louder than words? So why don't you do something instead of talking some nonsense? '' You said with a smile as you twirls your sword around. ' As I thought, the poison was too weak for an Upper Rank. Then, I will just have to double the amount and inject the poison repeatly. '

'' I-i can't move! '' Daki exclaims in shock. ' Her sword doesn't seems to have a blade. H-how did she even cut off my neck? ' She looks at you in anger. She forces herself to move as the sahes started to charges at you which are incredibly slow. '' You bitch! '' You dodged all the sashes and landed beside Tanjiro.

'' I think that nickname suits you more...considering your career. '' You smirked at the demon who explodes in rage at your words. She charges at you again but this time Zenitsu strikes at her, lifting her high up in the air.

'' Zenitsu! ''

'' Leave that worm woman to me and sleepyhead! You three go defeat that praying mantis! Got that? '' Inosuke yells as he follow after Zenitsu. '' Be careful! '' Tanjiro yelled after him. '' Sure thing! ''


Gyutaro charges at Tanjiro, his sickle almost stabbing Tanjiro. But Tengen throw Tanjiro behind him and strike at him, with you also who tries to behead him. Suddenly, sashes started to rain down and started attacking you all. '' Them being your Tsuguko was a lie, right? Your movements are so out of sync expect for this one. '' He said, referring to you. ' Well, I've received his training before after all. But Nee-sama is still my one and only master! ' You thought. 

You dodges the attacks of the sashes as you observe Gyutaro. ' When will he use his Blood Demon Art? ' Tengen use the bombs to cut off all the sashes. Gyutaro charges at Tengen again. You charges at the Demon Art as soon as Gyutaro uses it. You extended your non-dominant hand at the directipn where the Blood Demon Art was charging. You gritted your teeth as it hit you. ' Perfect! ' You smirked.

'' Y/n! '' Tanjiro immediately carried you to a spot where the blood sickles are not flying. '' Why would you do that?! '' Tanjiro grabbed your shoulders as he panics at the sight of your poisoned hand. You didn't answer him and pulled out a flask and put it under your wounded hand, the blood start to drip down into the tube. Tanjiro realized what you're trying to do. ' She did it to collect Blood Demon Art! But this plan is too reckless! '

'' Is there an antinode? ''


_Taisho Secret_

Tanjiro often buy some trinket for Y/n and Nezuko whenever he passed by different shop from different towns.


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