24 | crescent

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little disclaimer over here: the actors you see in gifs like these are not the cast for this book's characters


Let them be them. Let us be us.


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I'm Yours - Jason Mraz

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The jarring ringing of the school bell signaled the beginning of lunch period. I had been just taking my time at organizing my books and belongings in my locker—innocently, not bothering anyone—when I felt a precipitous shove from the side.

An energetic and radiant meteor of my best friend had bumped into me full force, intentionally, with a squeal. 

"Ow!" I turned to an exultant Syd, who was performing a freaky dance. "What's gotten into you, Syd?"

"Hear this out, hear this out: Your submission to the National Geographic Photography Contest has been accepted!" She literally shrieked, jumping up and down and flapping her arms. People were staring at her, weirded out, but she regarded them with zilch attention.

"Accepted? Is that—is that cool? That's cool, right?" I asked, wanting to be happy for her but not really having a clue of what she was talking about.

"Duh!! There were only fifty slots from the whole state!" She finally stopped the jumping, thankfully. 

"Oh?! Yeah, that's big, congrats! You're really going places."

"The winner gets considered for an actual permanent contract deal, do you understand what that means? I could easily drop out of high school right then and there!"

"But you'd never do that to me." Not a question, but a statement.

She dropped her head backward, mouth agape. "Oh my gosh, imagine if I make it!"

"Aw, I'm so proud of ya, babe. Your talent deserved to be seen," I gave her a half hug, "make sure not to forget about me when you become all famous though."

"I'll try my best. Can't promise anything," she quipped, not containing her grin. "Well hey, what about you? Got any news? It's been some time since we laste talked."

"Oh, well, not really, not anything particular. I mean, I did get a boyfriend yesterday but apart from that—" 

"You what?" She squeaked.

I burst into giggles. "You and Cameron got together?" I nodded, still giggling.

"Well, finally. It was a pain watching you guys being just friends."

I suddenly froze, my eyes popping open. "Syd, wait. It just hit me. That actually makes me a girlfriend now."

Syd glazed me over with a deadpan glare. "No, really? I thought that made you an ostrich."

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