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You are summer to my winter heart

-gemma troy

▬▬▬ ♫ : ▬▬▬

Ready to Run - One Direction

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Perhaps my sudden change of behavior from strictly-planning-out-everything-three-months-in-advance to heedless-happy-go-lucky-improvisation was not such a positive thing.

Or so it seemed to me taking into account the fleet-footed sixty minutes that I had left before my appointed date and the fact that I still had no clue about what I was going to wear.

Okay, let me rephrase that a little: I did have some clue. I had picked an outfit. Or, more precisely speaking, I'd picked two outfits. The only teeny inconvenience about that was the one undeniable fact that I occupied just one body.

The truth was unavoidable: I had to make a choice.

Resting neatly upon my bed were a pair of checkered pants that went with a pearl-white cashmere turtleneck and sneakers of the same color; or a terracotta corduroy skirt along with a ribbed blouse and sock boots.

My phone began vibrating mid-the decision-making process. It was an incoming video call from Big Sis. My lips trilled as I sighed out.

I swiped, accepting it nonetheless. "What d'you want? I'm in a hurry."

"Well damn, was that a friendly greeting." She was sprawled out on a bed, her head on her elbow.

"I'm serious."

"Oh, you certainly are." She mocked my facial expression, feigning an exaggerated frown as she pouted. "And by the way, I did miss you too," she spoke unclearly as she started chewing on something.

I rolled my eyes. "Yeah yeah yeah. What are you munching on anyway?"

"Banana chips."

"Banana chips?"

"Yeah, my roomie is obsessed with them. She fries it herself though, and they turn out delish. I'll make sure to bring some home next time."

"Okay, whatever. What did you call for?"

"Okay okay if you're such a busy lady, we can do this in the formal business manner- there are three main things I would like to discuss." She continued to mock me and was beginning to get on my nerves. "First of, in order of importance, have you seen my sunglasses around?" I palmed my forehead. That was first in her order of importance? "I think the last time I remember, I left them on the black table. Can you have a look?"

"Hailey." I faced the screen of my phone straightly, making sure to transmit my deadpan stare. "All of the tables in our house are black. Except for my desk."

"Oh yeah?" She scrunched her face up, in a bizarre way.

I sighed. "Just tell me the other two things."

"Oh. Well, I wanted to ask you," she drew her face ridiculously close to the camera, "have you got any news for me yourself? Any, you know, interesting news?" The way she wiggled her eyebrows made me understand exactly what this was about.

"Mom told you, hasn't she?"

She burst out snickering. "Told me what?"

I knew my sister and what she was getting at. "Fine, you want to hear it from me. Okay, yeah, I'm going out with someone. Happy? And by the way, that someone will arrive at my doorway in less than an hour and I won't have time to get ready. Thanks to you."

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