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Kaburagi’s female fans have been creating a fuss in class, but never go as far as actually causing trouble for others. They just get really loud during breaks is all. It was just like last year with Enjou.
Except, since Kaburagi’s temper has a lower boiling point than Enjou’s, they’ve been probing for his limit as they enjoy being around him.
At a glance, it seems like there’s no problem as long as you deal with the noise, but since there are more people in the classroom, sometimes there are kids whose seats get stolen by these girls. So a few timid kids have been having trouble with not being able to sit at their own desks.
What should I do. If I keep warning them every time, they’re going to think of me as a nag, and as a class rep, it’s not like I can turn a blind eye either.
I wonder what Enjou did last year. I wasn’t a class rep, so to be honest I didn’t really pay attention to the others.
And I recall Enjou gently chiding them not to invade other people’s classrooms.
In Term 1 they really were noisy, but after a while things worked out pretty fine, I think. Well, maybe we just got used to it though.
Still, I’m definitely not going to start managing Kaburagi’s fans.
And Monk Boy keeps looking at me with pleading eyes. It’s impossible, I tell you.
Tsuruhana-san is in that fan group. I’ll create even more conflict if I say something to her.
Aahh, the silent complaints from all those victims are…
Hah, can’t be helped.

“Tsuruhana-san, I am sorry to disturb you during your conversation, but it seems that this girl needs her seat back, so could you move?”

“…Hmmm~ Whose seat was this again?”

She looked around the room with a challenging gaze.
The eyes of the seat owner began to swim.

“Hey, could I borrow your seat for a little?”

“Ah… yes, please do. I don’t need it yet…”

Geh-! I’ve been abandoned!
Hey, you can’t do that, okay? It’s because you complained that I came here to say this to her.

“So she says. That fine? Kisshouin-san?”

Tsuruhana-san chuckled.
She’s a real piss-off. But since there’s no victim, I can’t say anything back.

“I see. If the girl herself is fine with that, then I have nothing to say. My apologies for bothering you.”

“It must be roughh huhh~ Being class rep.”

I walked away with a smile of composure, somehow managing to hide the stiffness.
Damnniiitt! I lost!
Serika-chan welcomed me back with a disgruntled expression. I’m sorry for being a coward!
This won’t do. That this rate, far from a showdown with between our two groups, I might be overthrown in my own one.
All of this is Kaburagi’s fault! It’s because he’s so irresponsible! Well, I’m aware this is just an excuse though!
Kaburagi was paying no attention to the girls at all, instead talking happily to the boys about sports.
He has no idea how much other people are suffering… Heavens above, please let a bird poop on that guy’s head.
Maybe I should just bring some folding chairs into the classroom and set up a Kaburagi Viewing Corner or something.

Lately I’ve been trying to avoid buying sweets when I go snack shopping at the convenience store.
I’m afraid of getting fat and pimples, you see.
In exchange, I’ve started eating more onigiri and sandwiches. It’s healthier and more nutritious than sweets, you see. It’s a shame that it doesn’t keep well, though.
I get chauffeured on weekdays, so I secretly do my snack-buying on weekends and during the breaks in cram school.
Lately there have been a lot of new onigiri flavours. But in the end, yakishake grilled salmon is my favourite.
And recently I’ve been immersing myself in some stupid hobbies to forget about my troublesome school life when I’m at home. Yes, I realise that it’s just escapism…
Anyway, for today I’ve got my ‘Convenience Store Onigiri Rankings’.
Right now, I’ve got yakishake at number 1,

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