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Wakaba-chan wearing rain boots that day turned into a bit of a fiasco. Some people were claiming that it was affecting Zui'ran's image and dignity.

I thought it was kicking up a huge fuss about nothing but a lot of people were quite proud to go to Zui'ran and it looked like they were finding her actions hard to accept. While I had been joining the Handicrafts Club, apparently the President of the Pivoine herself was busy giving Wakaba-chan a severe verbal lashing. Because the President had her eye on Wakaba-chan, yet more students were avoiding her.

Wakaba-chan simply gave an earnest apology and swore not to wear them to school again.

I wondered where Kaburagi had been during a time like this, but it turns out he was sitting around depressed and reading Heine. Did that make Yurie his Amalie? So troublesome...

On the other hand, if Kaburagi was this subdued until graduation, wouldn't that mean a relaxing high school life for me? Was it actually better for me if he didn't get back on his feet?!

Since Kaburagi was done with his journeys, even Enjou was leaving him be.

Somehow this was shaping up to be a fantastic year.

It was close to Valentine's, so when I arrived at cram school Moriyama-san and Sakaki-san were discussing chocolates. The self-proclaimed boy-ish Moriyama-san would apparently be hand-making chocolates.

"Kisshouin-san, are you planning on giving him chocolates?"

Oh yeah. I forgot I had that kind of background story. It's not like I saw Imari-sama all that often, and it would have been weird to go out of my way just for that, so I hadn't actually ever done it.

"Not as such. I only ever give chocolates to family members."

"Ehhhhhh? You have to be more pro-active about these things."

"I simply appreciate him in secret so I would not want him to realise."


That was when the three guys of the group came barging in.

"What's this about Valentine's!?"

"Since you won't get any chocolates anyhow, I'll give you some," Moriyama-san said with her best impression of casual. Shocker.

Apparently the gazes that the boys got from their family physically pained them so they begged us for quantity. That's how it was decided that they would get one from each of us. For some reason me included. I hadn't ever given anybody courtesy Valentine's chocolates though.

"I bet Kisshouin-san's courtesy chocolates are going to be super high class!"

Moriyama-san's eyes turned sharp at his comment. Scary. Since the other two girls were just giving normal chocolates, I decided that Umewaka-kun would get special dog chocolate for Beatrice. At least I wouldn't be giving him chocolates now.

Aahh~ A Valentines without a crush to give a proper Valentine's chocolate to was boringg.

At school my friends discussed giving chocolates to Kaburagi and Enjou so it was lively every day. Since it didn't cost me anything, I gave them some advice.

"Kaburagi-sama is fussy about calling it chocolat instead."

Anyhow, since this Valentine's talk didn't have much to do with me, I was left feeling a little bored. That's why I ended up wandering the school for a while when I suddenly bumped into Tomoe-senpai coming out of the staff room.


"Oh! Kisshouin-san."

I trotted over to him. Chances like these were precious now that we were so close to his graduation.

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