34: alondra

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It's been a couple of days since Grady came by my dorm room. It also happens to be my birthday. I haven't told anyone that it is with everything going on. I've been crashing with Jack because I didn't feel safe going back. Pritchett is staying with Eli for the time being since they're back together. What an exhausting cycle to be in, but I guess the same could be said about me.

I hadn't heard from Grady since, but I also know that Jack is upset with me because I didn't call the police. He doesn't know the reason though.

It's the arguing that wakes me up. Whatever pill Peyton gave me worked like a charm. I'd fallen into a heavy dreamless sleep which is exactly what I needed. I look over and Peyton's not there anymore, but the ache in my side returns full force at the sudden movement.

I reach up to touch my eye, feeling an immediate throbbing. Sitting up, I pull my hair back to at least try and straighten up. I feel groggy but well-rested.

The door creaks open and Peyton pokes her head in, "Oh good. You're awake. How are you feeling?"

"Like I just slept for days." I say hoarsely.

Her face softens, "Is it cool if I let Jack in? He's about five seconds away from breaking it down if you say no just a heads up."

"It's okay."

That's all Jack needs to hear before he pushes the door open and steps past Peyton. I watch him carefully as his eyes linger on my swollen one. She shuts the door, giving us privacy and I twist my hands in my lap.

"How were the games?" I ask, even though I already know because I talked to him after both of them.

"I'm going to kill him," Jack says quietly, taking a few steps towards me.

"Don't Jack. You're better than that. Don't sink to his level because of me."

He's trembling. I can see him visibly shaking. "Darlin', he hurt you."

I try to push a smile on my face to try and reassure him that I'm okay when the truth is I feel like breaking down in his arms. But if I fall apart now, Jack is going to go after Grady. I have no doubt about it.

That can't happen. Grady can't win.

"But he didn't break me."

I slide off of Peyton's bed, carefully maneuvering so I don't reveal that it's worse than just my face. I wrap my arms around his torso, but Jack's arms are slow to close around me.

"I'm okay." I say, holding on tightly for both of us. "He was mad I filed a restraining order."

"I know. Seth had sent me a bunch of texts that I saw after I got off the plane. I looked all over campus to try and find you because you weren't answering your phone. Turns out you were here the entire time."

I bury my face in his chest, breathing his comforting scent in shallow breaths. "I'm sorry."

"I was really worried about you. Did you call the police?" He asks and I fall silent. Jack gingerly takes ahold of my shoulders to look me in the eyes. "Al, you called the police, right?"

Grady's threat rings clear through my groggy mind. 'You tell the police I did this and Jack's career is over before it starts.'

"No and I'm not going to."

He hasn't directly said anything about it, but I know he's been trying to understand. I came clean with Coop, Ruby, and Dylan about what actually transpired during my relationship with Grady. There were already suspicions, but no one wanted to directly ask me anything until I was ready to talk about it.

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