37: alondra

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I'm flying across the ice, all my worries feeling far behind me. Jack is practicing his wrist shot from all different angles. I'm bundled up in one of Jack's hoodies that I have absolutely no intention of giving back. I practice one of my spins and when I stand up straight again, Jack is smiling at me.

"What are you looking at?" I call out, a dumb grin on my face.

Jack sends a quick shot into the back corner of the net, "My talented girlfriend."

I laugh shortly, pulling my hat further down on my head. Pushing my feet forward, I skate towards him, stopping within arms reach. "Keep up the compliments and you might make her very happy."

"Isn't it my goal to keep her happy? I'm pretty new at this whole relationship thing, but I'm almost positive that's how it works." He teases, winking at me playfully. Jack sets his stick on the ground next to the pile of pucks.

I was a little worried that things would be weird between us after Jack oh so romantically confessed his love to me by flying across the country and making it right before a snowstorm. But it hasn't been weird. It's been actually really great.

We've picked up pretty much right where we left off before we kinda stopped talking for a few weeks.

Jack told me how my dad happened to mention what I had said to him about Grady threatening to hurt him. I came clean about everything that happened when Grady flipped about the temporary restraining order.

But I don't think we have anything to worry about now that Dad's been made aware of everything. We've been working on our relationship. It's slow going, but it's better than it used to be.

The school has been made aware of the restraining order as well and Grady isn't allowed to use student access to my dorm anymore.

And both my parents, Pritchett, and Jack made sure that I'm aware if he comes near me, I'm to call the police regardless of whatever threats he makes.

"I think you've got it down, she must be pretty special if she was able to thaw your heart as cold as ice."

Jack raises an eyebrow, "Heart as cold as ice?"

I lean up to kiss him sweetly, "Uhuh. Something frozen that's capable of thawing under the right conditions. You didn't believe in love, but now you do."

"I believe in you Alondra. That's what I believe in. But, I also do love you." He smiles softly, grabbing ahold of me to pull me into his chest. I shiver slightly at the close proximity to my boyfriend. "I think I like seeing you in my clothes."

"Thought you liked me better out of them?"

"I feel like there's no right way to answer that so I plead the fifth. Your spins are looking good." He compliments and I wrap my arms around his neck.

"They feel good. I've been thinking about running through one of my old long programs just to see if I can do them without falling flat on my ass." I reply, shaking my head. "I don't know if that's possible though. I had plenty of time off."

"It was a year; I think if you wanted to, you could probably compete again," Jack says and I curl my fingers through the short hair at the nape of his head.

"Year and a half," I correct him. "That's plenty of time to get rusty. Especially in the figure skating world where people skate for hours and hours a day to stay at the top of their game."

"You were good Al. I know you said not to look up videos, but I did. Have you thought about it?" He asks, his baby blue eyes searching my face for a hint of a lie.

Heart As Cold As Ice | 18+ | ✓Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt