Chapter 18 The Date

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"Just a little more hair spray," Cecelia said spraying half the can of hairspray on my hair.

"Cecelia I'm going to pass out from these fumes if you keep going, I told her fanning the hairspray away from my face and coughing.

As soon as we got back to my house Cecelia started working on my hair and makeup for tonight, she told me that it had to be perfect.

My mom was standing in the doorway to my room, watching Cecelia turn my once neat and tidy vanity into a mess of makeup brushes and smeared lipstick. She couldn't decide between a nude lip and gloss, my mom voted for gloss saying that it'll be less messy when he kisses me goodnight.

"Mom!" I shrieked in embarrassment.

"What?" my mom asked innocently. "I work lipstick on my first date with your dad it stained his lips pink for the next two days."

Cecelia did my makeup to look soft, natural, and glowing. She said that she wanted to bring out my natural features and not clog up my pores. For my hair, she curled in soft ringlets, before tying it into a half-up, half-down hairdo with some curly baby hairs framing my face. Luckily Cecelia and my mom approved of my white, strappy, kitten heels with the green dress.

"And done!" Cecelia finally announced setting down the hairspray and taking a step back to admire her handy work.

Even I had to admit that she did a great job, I didn't look crazy or caked full of makeup. I looked like me with just a little enhancing.

"You look absolutely beautiful, Addison," my mom said. "I just wish that your father could be here to see you."

"Dad told me, when I was like 10, that I wasn't allowed to date until I was married," I laughed lightly at the memory.

Mom wiped her eyes before tears could escape. "I remember that," She said. "Maybe it's good that the isn't hear so he doesn't scare that poor boy away."

"Trust me, that poor boy does not scare easily," Cecelia rolled her eyes.

"You know Addie's date?" My mom asked stepping into my bedroom.

"Addie didn't tell you?" Cecelia asked confused. "Addison's date tonight, Xavier, is my older brother."

"Well if he's half as amazing as you are Cecelia the nI have nothing to worry about."

Just then the doorbell rang, and I quickly picked up my small white purse that was stuffed with my cellphone, wallet, lipgloss, and some tissues before making a mad dash for the front door before anyone else could get it.

"Hey," I smiled at Xavier a little out of breath from running down the stores.

"Wow," Xavier said a little breathless. "You look absolutely beautiful, Addison."

"Thank you," I said feeling my checks start to heat up. "You don't look too bad yourself."

Xavier was wearing a pair of black slacks, and a white long sleeve, with the top two buttons, undone. He had the sleeves of the shirt pushed up to his elbows, showing off his tanned forearms and some of his tattoos.

"Hi, I'm Addison's mom." My mom budged in running the moment.

"Mrs. Avery," Xavier said clearing his throat nervously. "These are for you." He handed her a small bouquet of purple and white flowers.

"Please, call me Sandra. And these flowers are lovely," my mom said shooting me an approving look that said 'I like him.

"And these are for you," Xavier said handing me a large vase full of red roses that I somehow didn't notice before. I guess I was just so caught up in how good he looked.

"You didn't have to," I said softly.

"I wanted to," Xavier shrugged like it was nothing.

I could feel myself blushing even more as I handed my flowers to my mom to put away while Xavier and I bid her goodnight. I heard Cecelia give her a quick hug too, the two of them were somehow already close despite just meeting, before she got into her car and left.

"You kids be safe and don't stay out too late!" my mom called out after us.

Xavier opened the passenger door for me before jogging around to the driver's side and getting in. I really shouldn't have been surprised that Xavier drove a truck, I mean I know that I've seen it at school but it was different to actually be inside of it. His truck was all black with leather seats, and he had the radio quietly playing in the background as we drove.

"So where are we going? I asked nervously, wringing hands together in my lap.

Xavier has refused to tell me where we were going tonight, saying that it was a top-secret surprise.

"I'll tell you as soon as we get there," Xavier laughed.

We had been during for about 20 minutes now, towards what I can only assume is into the middle of nowhere. Xavier had turned onto some dirt roads only a few minutes ago, but I've never felt so lost.

I knew that I should tell him about that weird text message I got the other night, but I didn't want to ruin our first date. I'd just tell him at school Monday during lunch when everyone else was there too.

"And we're here!" Xavier announced parking his truck by a large oak tree and climbing out.

I was just about to open my car door when Xavier beat me to it, claiming it was a human dating costume he looked up. He even helped me down from the truck, his hands planted firmly on my hips.

"You drove me to the middle of nowhere?" I asked confused looking around at all the trees and bushes surrounding us. There was truly nothing out here, except what looked like a slight glow a few trees away.

"This way," Xavier said rolling his eyes at me and grabbing hold of my hand.

He walked us towards the faint glow, that became stronger, and stronger until it opened up into a beautiful hand-made wooden gazebo. There were little lights that were scattered all around, giving the whole area a fairy-tale vibe to it. In the middle of the gazebo was a table covered in white linin with two McDonalds bags placed on either side.

"McDonald's?" I asked confused as Xavier pushed my chair in and then went around to the side of the table to take his seat.

"I know it's your favourite," he laughed unpacking both our bags.

"I have to say that this is the best first date that I've been on," I told him honestly. "It gets five stars from me."

"I couldn't do anything less than perfect for my girl."

The night was perfect. Xavier had soft music playing in the background, nothing felt awkward or uncomfortable. It all felt right. For dessert, he had some chocolate cake tucked away in a cooler behind a nearby tree. The whole night felt like a fairytale that I never wanted to leave.

"Oh!" Xavier said. "One last thing, Addison Avery will you be my girlfriend and mate?" He asked.

"Of course," I smiled.

Xavier leaned down, one arm was wrapped around my waist, the other cupping my cheek, and he kissed me. Our first kiss. His lips were soft and he tasted like chocolate cake. At first, the kiss was soft and slow, but soon Xavier turned it rough. His tongue fighting mine.

I pulled away from him breathless. "That was. . ."

"Wow," Xavier finished my sentence for me. "It was perfect just like you are."

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