Chapter 27 The Battle

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"You need to follow my lead," Andrew whispered to me as we walked down the stairs. "And no matter what, you need to do exactly as I say."

I stopped walking, "Andrew, I'm not going to let you get hurt or worse just because you're doing the right thing and some crazy guy took advantage of you."

"Addison," Andrew looked me in the eyes. I could see all the fear swirling around in his, and I could tell that he was just as scared as I was. "Just, please."

"Fine," I agreed reluctantly.

Andrew didn't say anything else, but he did nudge me to keep going. That we had to keep moving.

I was reaching for the doorknob to open the front door when Andrew Pulled me back. "Put these on," he said holding out a pair of handcuffs to me. "I have to lock them so it looks real, but I'm going to leave you enough room so that you can slip out of them and run."

I nodded my heart, holding out my wrists behind my back so that he could loosely lock them together. I could feel the cold metal clasp around where the rope left angry red marks earlier. I held back the need to pull away and wince. Now was not the time. We only had one shot at this.

"All ready?" I asked Andrew as he slipped a small pocket knife into the back pocket of my jeans, pulling my hoodie down over the lump so no one would no.

"Ladies first," Andrew gave me a tight smile before pulling the old front door open and letting me walk out first.

Andrew grabbed hold of my left elbow as he escorted me. He had a gentle hold on it, careful not to hurt me anymore. He walked right beside me the whole way out. Whispering sweet words that it would be ok in my ear. Telling me that he had a plan and it was going to work. At this point, it wasn't just my life on the line, it was his too if Mr. Davis or anyone else on his side found out what he was doing.

I could hear voices yelling and arguing as we got closer to the field.

"Now we just wait here until Mr. Davis yells for me to bring you out," Andrew whispered softly into my ear as he gave a slight tug on my elbow to keep me from moving.

"She was a threat!" I heard Xavier yell. "She wounded multiple of my hunters and tried to hurt me and my Gamma as well. You have to understand that we couldn't just let her live, especially so close to our land. It's was dangerous for my pack."

"You're just a filthy liar!" Mr. Davis' voice boomed through the forest. "She was innocent. You killed an innocent person because you're a rabid animal that needs to be put down,"

"I can show you the file," Xavier said. "The reports of what she did to not only my pack but others in the area. We have proof."

"I saw you kill her! I saw you kill her while you and your little friends just stood there. None of you are any good. You all deserve to die. You all deserve to suffer."

"Mr. Davis, you don't want to hurt us."

"You're right," I could hear the smirk in my teacher's voice. "I don't want to hurt you. I know that it wouldn't help."

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