Episode 2

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As I step inside the school excitedly to meet my friends and study more while fixing myself. I heard a annoying voice that I never wanted to heard atleast this year. " Hey Nerd".

Y/n: I turned as I see my bully Samantha.Yes she is my since the first day of my High School since I transferred here.

She walk up to me with her two minnions Daisy and Maya.

Y/n: Can you just stop ruining my every year u slut. I stated . Even though I get  bullied but some times I am a savage girl.

Samantha: How dare u to talk to me like that u stupid Nerd. She said angrily while stating the last word by shouting"Nerd".

This time I lost my temper and said ." How dare you to call me Nerd when u were a nerd before in your previous school and we all saw the recording of you being bullied. And when u transferred to this school u put a pounds of make up on your self to not look ugly. But now look we all know your true identity". I said while smirking .

Samantha: You!

Before she could continue we heard a loud voice of fan girls and I know who he is the one and only "Edward".

Samantha: I will see u later u nerd. She said and walked away to the crowd where Edward is . And I just ignored her.

Y/n: I was looking at Edward when he was coming out of the crowd. I know he is the heartthrob of our school but I knew him since middle school we were friends but I transferred to Canada to complete my middle school in Canada. I still remember him so he does but he just ignore me because I am a Nerd. And I don't want to lie I like him since childhood I wanted to confess to him but I didn't get the chance . And now he don't like me at all. I tried to contact him but he just insulted me and said he was just a fake friend of me back then and it broke my heart. And I also started to ignore him. I still like him but I can't do anything now.

I just ignored him and started to walk to my locker, suddenly I felt two arms around my waist and here she is my friend Lisa she is my best friend since first year of our high school she considered me as a friend when I was a nerd. But after some time our friendship got better and I told her about my real identity and about Edward also but she kept it a secret as a best friend and I didn't regret telling her the truth. We are much like sisters.

Lisa: Hi sisy I missed u so much. She said while hugging me tightly as I smiled too.

Y/n: I missed you too Lisa. I said as I hugged her back with a wide smile on my face.

We pulled out of the hug and looked at each other.

Lisa: So did u talked to Edward about your both friendship. She said as my smile dropped.

Lisa: Hey don't be sad if you don't want to tell than it's ok I understand but don't be sad. U know I can't see u like this. She said while patting my back.

Y/n: I sighed and looked at her with a small smile. No I want to tell you but what he answered me just broke my heart and I don't know why I still like him. I said.

Lisa: Hey just don't keep it in your heart just tell me we are like sisters right. She said with a worried face.

Y/n: I looked at her and take a deep breath and said. Lisa when I called him to meet me he came there. But when I asked him will he will be my friend again so he said that he was just a fake friend to me back then just to pity me and because I am a nerd he obviously don't wanna be friends with me. I said in one go as a tear escaped my eyes.

Lisa: Hey don't be sad what if he was a fake friend of you but see I am with u always right and if you still like that idiot than try to move on from him and also u have me and Louis right. She stated and winked at me as I just giggled at her cuteness and thought about Louis he is a very good friend of mine he was always there for me whenever I needed someone to lean on. Suddenly Lisa shook me by my shoulders.

Lisa: Yah what are u thinking! She asked.

Y/n: huh! Nothing. I said while looking at her.

Lisa: I know I'm cute but don't look at me like that I feel shy. She said and acted shy and I laughed at her.

Y/n: Ok Ok now let's go my cutie otherwise we will be late for our class on our first day. I said as she widened her eyes.

Lisa: Yah u such a talkative girl because of u I will get late today for class now let's go fast. She said while dragging me with her as I laughed at her.


Hey my lovely friends so that's all for Episode 2 hpe u all enjoyed it.

See you in next Episode.


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