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Two days went by without a word from him. I passed the time reciting the alphabet, drinking from the sink beside the makeshift toilet, and humming an old lullaby my Mama used to sing to me as a child. My stomach gurgled angrily at me, demanding food. But all I had left was the half eaten apple from the day of the incident. The day I last saw him. I'd managed to keep the hunger at bay until now by nibbling on the juicy red ball of mush. But that was now gone and I was starting to worry that the incident hadn't gone in my favour. It had felt fucking fantastic. At the time. But now my entire being was telling me how much of a dumb bitch I'd been. Shit.
So, when he finally turned up that evening I was surprised at the relief I felt. It also sickened me and I told myself I would not become one of those people who succumb to stockholm syndrome. This man was evil. End of.
He came down the stairs wearing a baggy t-shirt and jeans. His arm was strapped up and his eyes were dark and bloodshot. He looked rough. Like a teenager the night after his first pub crawl. He slammed a tray down at his feet and watched me. I kept myself a few feet away from the bars. Just incase. "Breakfast." He stated groggily, wiping the sweat hanging on to his top lip. My eyes jumped from the tray and back. "Where were you?" I asked. His free hand rubbed across the back of the one strapped up in a sling. "Hospital. I was careless with a nail gun. They gave me some antibiotics."
"Ah, that's why you look like shit." For some reason playing along seemed to relax him. "I'm guessing the sweating and hangover are side effects?" The tension seemed to leave his body and he sighed. Settling onto the ground and crossing his legs. He pushed the tray towards me encouragingly with his knuckles. It moved with a tinny scratch across the concrete floor then a thunk as it hit the metal bars. I copied his sitting position and reached for the sandwiches and hot tea. Praying they weren't poisoned or drugged in an attempt to get revenge, I dived in and found the chicken salad sandwiches mouthwatering. I ate slowly. Aware that my stomach might churn if food hit it too quickly after not eating for so long. The tea was perfect. Milk and a one sugar. The man had done his research. It was a scary thought that this man knew almost everything about me and my life. Even more so that he fancied himself as my lover in his freaky fantasies. He said nothing at first. He simply sat watching me eat. His eyes roaming over me like a devils kiss. Making goosebumps rise across my skin. It was unsettling. Then he said something that made me stop eating. Something which brought hope back into my caged little world.
"Let's make a deal."

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