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"Why am I here?" I ask, impatiently.
"Here, at the Agency, we have rules. When one Agent dies another is brought on. But when an Agent is taken out by a civilian that person is brought into the fold to take over their contracts. This is for our security."
"Contracts?" My head was beginning to throb.
"We're an assassination agency, Angie. For a fee we are hired to kill a target. We are non-biased, and take on any contract that meets our regulations."
"Regulations?" I sounded like an annoying parrot, I knew that by the look on his face, but I was struggling to get my head around it. So, I'd killed Hunter, Agent Hunter, so I had to take his place as an assassin for this agency-thingy because of them being exposed? I only noticed I was talking out loud when he said, "yes. You are now officially Agent Hunter. We will train you, feed and clothe you, and take a cut per contract in return."
"I don't believe this." I groan, my hands coming up to ease the tension in my temples. "I'm an artist, for fuck sake!"
"Now Angie, we both know you are not just an artist. You are a skilled killer. And bloody good at covering your tracks too." He sounded almost proud. Like a weird, psychotic father. "Paul Morris, and now Chris the most infamous assassin at our agency. You're too modest. With our help, you'll be the best of the best."
"What's with the red ties?" I asked suddenly. They all looked down at their ties in unison.
"It's a symbol of the company." The boss man said. "You'll be required to wear red also. Being the only female at the agency, however, we'll have to think of another way for you to have a badge."
The only woman in a company of assassins. Why was that? Did women die more often, or did women just not murder their agents often? My brain felt like it was going to implode.
"What happens now?" I ask reluctantly.
"We train you and you inherit the contracts," he stands and moves to my side. "You'll be busy. There's a lot of them."
"What about my family?"
"They already think you're dead. The fire." He said, and continues with a glance to his two agents to leave the room. "You'll be given a new identity: passports, that kind of thing. And from now on you'll be named Agent Hunter."

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