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It was already morning as we almost approached the castle. We saw titan surrounding a tower that had our friends. But one titan was fighting the other titans.

Our friends climbed on the certain titan and went down safely on the ground as the tower completely fell.

Suddenly, I felt like someone was watching me with intensity. I felt my spine shiver. It was a different kind of shiver that I have never experienced in my life though it didn't much impact me with negativity.

"He's here" I heard a feminine voice as I turned around but no one was there except for the trio. I looked back in front and took out my blades.

"Who's here?" I muttered to myself hoping the voice would answer back. The voice was as it belonged to a child.

"Him.." The voice answered as I rolled my eyes.

"Wow, thanks for the helpful answer," I spoke with sarcasm though the voice didn't reply. For all I could do is to focus on this mission to save my friends and care about what the voice said later.

My eyes widened at the titans who was devouring a certain short titan that attacked them. It made me thought back to the time when Eren was getting eaten by other titans.

I saw that a titan was aiming to eat Krista so I zipped through and sliced the titan. I turned around and smiled.

"Krista!" I heard Connie exclaimed as he, Berthold and Reiner went up to her.

"Hello, everyone. I hope you all had an okay night. Please stay back and let us handle this." I said as the Survey had come in and sliced other titans in the area. "Well, duty calls to kill"

"Tell the first wave to scatter!" I heard Hange commanded as I sliced out some titans who were surrounding a smaller titan that they have tried devouring on.

"You're not supposed to take offence!" I heard Hange yell. Eren had disobeyed Hange's command and charged.

"Die!" Eren yelled as he sliced a Titan successfully with a smile. "I did it! My first kill!"

I busted out of laughter as Eren fell to the ground after getting distracted because of his first titan kill.

"Dumb brat, Hange had told you not to charge," I told him as I kept on slicing more titans. "Besides, you would be good at hand to hand combat than blades, idiot!"

I went up to him as a scout had scolded him. Eren winced while I helped him get up.

"I'll leave. Duty calls, Eren." I said as I went back to slice more titans around us. It felt good killing titans. One by one, I see their bodies fall after I slide them.

The Risk For Our Lives  [ Levi X Reader ]Where stories live. Discover now