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"Eric Sterben... Where is Eric Sterben?" A higher-up called out through the lunch hall of the Shiganshina Garrison.

"Hm?" Eric raised his hand curious as to why he was called.

"A high military official would like to discuss something with you." The higher up blatantly said despite the tons of Garrison eating in the Lunch Hall listening.

"What did Eric do this time?"

"That dude probably did something extreme to the point that Military Police came."

"Sterben is bad news."

Despite the rumours floating around the lunch hall, Eric stood up with a straight back, chin up and with a look as if he didn't care at all, he went up to the official.

"Why in the world, out of hundreds, do they want a mere garrison like me?" Eric asked hinting with no respect for the higher up.

"I suggest you keep that tone back in your throat, Sterben or else that'll make you in trouble more than you should be." The higher up spoke back with no wonder with Eric's disrespectful persona.

The Higher Up knew what kind of person Eric Sterben is. Through the rumours, he was a total jackass. He fought anyone who annoys him or merely looks at him. The Garrisons call him a violent rabid animal.

The higher up and Eric reached to a door that was farther away from the Lunch Hall.

"Keep in mind what I just said, Sterben. The consequences of your action will make you regret."

"I don't regret anything that I will do or say. I'm not some pawn who can do any other people's work." Eric glared at the higher up and without knocking he simply came in the room.

Two Military Police sat on their chairs as Eric casually sat across them. A long pause came through the room that made Eric irritated.

"What is it that you guys want from me? I have something to do at a time like this. If it's just a long silence between us then I'll gladly take the leave." Eric stood up.

"Eric Sterben... We've heard from people that you took in a child from outside the walls without any permission from the authorities." Before Eric could leave, the Military Police spoke. Eric didn't face the police and just stood there.

"So what? Do you have a problem with it?" Eric asked.

"Tell us the name of the child and where they are currently residing. If you tell us, no harm can be done to you." Eric could hear the Military Police's smirk, making his teeth grit in the disturbance.

"What kind of harm would you say?"

"Harm that will cost your life, Sterben." Eric's eyebrows furrowed debating inside of his head whether or not the military Police were joking. "Trust me, Sterben. Just tell us the name of the kid and where they were, we'll treat this as if nothing happened."

'They're after her...' Eric thought. He knew what would do to her if he told him. Just by what the police had just said, if he would not say it then his life would end so easily. But if he did tell them then... Her life would end easily. Eric pieced the puzzle out and faced the Military Police with a serious face.

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