Chapter 1 - It's a Normal Routine... Or Not..?

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A young child sat beside a casket. They had an empty stare, no light in their eyes as they listened to the crying of others. People passed and gave them pitied head pats and back rubs, though nothing moved their head from the book in their hands. The picked up the small pencil and wrote a few numbers down, calculating bills and fees in their head. Some people whispered about the child being heartless and caring less about their deceased father. Even their mother was questioning the child's mentality. The child was hurting, screaming in agony on the inside. But they couldn't afford to let it out. They had work in the morning, after all. Sleepless nights full of crying would be hazardous to their pockets.

The light streams through the cracked windows, shining on a bundle of blankets. The blankets shift a little before a small hands sticks out, trying to untangle their body from the pile. A mop of (H/C) Locks shoots up, strands of hair going everywhere. A small yawn is heard as the move off the torn mattress, slipping arms through the sleeves and taking a night shirt off. Grabbing their iconic orange sweater and black overalls, a child gets changed rather quickly. Going to stand in front of a shattered mirror, the kid runs their (S/C) fingers through their tangled hair. When's the last time they had a good wash with actual hot water and hair products? They didn't know, months at least. Making sure no hair would fall in their face, the kid turned to leave the small room.

Trotting down the hall, the smell of smoke and whisky grew stronger. The child wrinkled their nose in disgust as they passed their mother on the couch. She must have crashed as soon as she got home, he heels were still on and she didn't bother changing her clothes. With a sigh, the child grabbed the throw blanket and draped it over their sleeping mother. Giving a light kiss on the head, the child grabbed a piece of bread and a few bills before heading out the door. Every morning was about the same. Wake up, get dressed, grab a piece of bread and leave. Sometimes mother would be up, a lit cancer stick in her mouth or a bottle of whiskey for the morning, or she'd be passed out somewhere. Some morning Evelyn wouldn't even be at the house, probably crashing at the Casino or even a strangers place. The thought made the child sick to their stomach, but they couldn't afford to puke up the light breakfast. That was needed energy for the day.

They made their way to the shopping district first, like most mornings. "Ah, Good Morning, (Y/N)!" One of the shopkeepers greeted. (Y/N) gave a slight nod of acknowledgement before continuing their walk. It had been 4 years since fathers passing, yet people still insisted on giving the child pitied looks. They didn't need pity. Pity didn't get you a paid electric bill. Pity didn't pay for food. Pity didn't help you feel safe at night as you listened to the sounds of drug deals and shootings. Still, (Y/N) made sure to bite her tongue and keep her head low. After all, a few clients a day was all she needed. (Y/N) didn't have a specific job, they mostly did small chores and ran errands for anyone who was willing to pay. Deciding to stop by the antique store first, they reached up and gently opened the door.

This particular shop was rather sad. The elderly couple were rude and apathetic. The husband was a con artist and often scammed people while his wife would try and play men for their money. (Y/N) heard of a specific scam people used that involved seducing lonely rich men and cheating them out of all their money... Maybe that's what the wife did before losing her looks? Shaking the thought from their head, (Y/N) walked up with an iconic bored expression. "Mh... Brandy, the kid is back." The woman's rough voice muttered, blowing some smoke in the kids face. "Go sweep the floor and dust the lamps, that's all we have. You know what'll happen if you break anything." The husband growled, going back to his newspaper. With a nod, (Y/N) shuffled off to grab the duster. As they gently cleaned off the lamps, (Y/N) calculated the money for the day. "50 dollars for today... That's the goal. This should give me about 5 dollars, 7 if they're feeling generous." The child thought, being extra careful around the glass figurines.

Around 2 hours later, (Y/N) walked out the store with 4 dollars in hand. Less than she thought but still, it was better than nothing. They went to multiple shops, cleaning and doing idle work and getting at most 5-10 dollars each. They had 37 dollars by 2 P.M. and were feeling a bit satisfied. Deciding to see if the school needed any help, (Y/N) made their way over calmly. The laat time they went to school was 5 years ago. They were 10 at the time, and had started 4th grade? Poor kid couldn't remember at this point.  Anyway, as the entered through the gate, (Y/N) picked up on some distant yelling. They froze up a bit before realizing that it was a school and the voices sounded pretty young so maybe it was an argument on the playground. Still, wanting it to stop, (Y/N) shuffled over to the yelling in hopes of getting the kids to shut up.

The scene shocked them, really. The older kids, probably around 14-16, were ganging up on two nicely dressed kids. Trying to get a good look at them, (Y/N) shuffled a little closer, only to find that the kids were around 12? Memories started filling their head as they remembered all the yelling and harsh grips from their mother. It was scary, cold, and horrible.. (Y/N) was uninterested in most things but if they could keep a couple kids from experiencing that, then they'd consider that a good days work. They reached down and grabbed a nice branch before rushing over and whacking the leader of the group in the shin. "OW YOU LITTLE- YOU GOT ANY IDEA WHO YOU'RE MESSING WITH?" The boy asked, glaring at the (H/C). (Y/N) still didn't show any interest, finding the whole group to be a pain. "Keegan, they look bored. Maybe we should show them a fun time?" One of the other boys suggested, cracking his knuckles. Gripping tightly onto the branch, (Y/N) turned to look at the younger kids. "... You should move back... I'll help with cuts after I'm done..." They mumbled, receiving two nods and shuffling feet.

The first up was Keegan, already he had a disadvantage with his shin. If (Y/N) could find a way to whack his head then he'd be knocked out. Or at least too dizzy to continue. Getting into a stance, they narrowed their eyes at the much taller teen. He sprinted at them, reaching out to yank their hair. Slipping out the way, (Y/N) managed to trip him before slamming the branch down on his head. "KEEGAN! YOU LITTLE BITCH, COME HERE!" The other kid screeched, running over and kicking (Y/N) in the gut. They flew to the side from impact and coughed up the bread from before, making the two remaining teens laugh. The one who kicked her down went over to grab them by the hair, spitting in their face. "Shouldn't have messed with us, kid." Just before the two teens could start beating the kid up, (Y/N) bit down on his arm, drawing blood.

"OW YOU BITCH-" (Y/N) swiftly kicked where the sun don't shine, sending the teen tumbling down. Getting up quickly, (Y/N) slammed their heel down onto the teens head, knocking him out. The remaining teen started freaking out before running off. (Y/N) wiped the spit from their face before turning to the two kids. The little girl stared in admiration while the boy looked intimidated. "Are you two okay?" (Y/N) asked, looking down at them. "That was so cool! What's your name? Do you like tea parties? Can you be our bodyguard?!" The girl asked several questions, resulting in (Y/N) placing their hand over the girls mouth. "Just... Answer my question..." The child sighed. The boy pulled his sister away. "We're fine. What about you? You got kicked in the gut." The boy pointed out. (Y/N) gently touched their stomach before wincing in pain. "I'll... I'll be fine. I'm walking you home... That guy might get more people." (Y/N) stated, crossing their arms. The little girl went over and held (Y/N)'s hand tightly. "My name is Elise, that's my brother Kristen, what's your name?!" The girl asked excitedly. Giving the girls brother a glance, the kid sighs before holding the girls hand as well. "(Y/N)... Where do you two live?" Kristen gave her an unsure look before leading the way. He wasn't sure if taking this kid to their house would be a good idea or not, but he knew that his mom or Jackson could help her with any injuries as thanks.

After walking for a while and answering some childish questions from Elise, (Y/N) noticed they were walking to the nicer part of the area. "You two live here?" They asked in an uninterested tone. "Yep! Daddy has a really good job! Come on, Mommy and Uncle Jackson can help you!" Elise cheered, dragging the poor kid behind her. Kristen hurried to catch up, yelling for Elise to slow down. Reaching a big fancy gate, Elise slowed down and threw on a huge smile. "Mr. Guard! Open the gate please!!" Elise called out. As the gates open, two men in suits walked out to greet them. "Ms. Elise, Mr. Kristen, who is this?" One of them asked. "This is (Y/N)! They helped us but got hurt so we wanna see if Uncle Jackson or Mom can help them!" Elise cheered, making (Y/N) curl back a bit by the volume. The men went over and patted (Y/N) down, stopping when they winced by a single touch to the stomach. "Hm... Alright. Come on." The two men led the children into the house.

Who's kids were these and why did they have guards?

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