Chapter 7 - Lie Lies, Lies Lie

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(A/N at the bottom, should probably read. Or not, it's up to you)

(TW for the chapter: Manipulation, Degrading, Poking fun at Death, Twins being creepy little turds, Grimms Fairy Tails [if you find those books to be disturbing])

It had been a few days since (Y/N) was taken into the home. They finally got over the illness and had planned out how they were going to convince the family to let them go. If they were lucky enough, Bianca would be taking the kids to school and Michael would be busy with work. The maids and butlers would be a slight problem though... "Guess I'll have to be really sneaky..." The decided, throwing on their clothes. They had taken a shower on their own for once (they woke up before anyone else) and gave a small sigh. "I'll find you, mom... Even if it kills me." With that, (Y/N) opened the door and made their way out, looking down the halls for anyone. "Good morning." Two of the maids stopped their cleaning as the kid passed. "... Morning... Is everyone still asleep?" They asked in a hushed voice. "Afraid so. Would you like some food? The Mistress gave us permission to feed you whenever." The maid explained, getting on her feet. "No thank you... I don't want to be a bother." With that, the kid walked off, being mindful of the wet floor. "That kid is well mannered." One of the maids whispered. "Very. Think they'll fall for the plan?" The other whispered back. "Shhh, they could hear you!" A muffled smack could be heard, signifying that one of them smacked the other. It didn't matter, hiding behind the corner, (Y/N) heard everything. "Plan, huh? Gossipers are so stupid..." They thought to themselves, heading down the steps.

Bianca was panicking, along with Michael. "Where are they?" Bianca asked a butler, who didn't dare meet her gaze. "I suppose they woke up earlier. They must be around, I'm sure of it." Bianca growled, letting out a frustrated sigh. "Honey please, (Y/N) couldn't have left the property. The guards all know not to let them leave without one of us." Michael reminded, finding amusement in his wife. "They're sick! They could be hunched over in pain as they spill out all over the floor!" The woman worried, waving her arms around to get her point across. "I understand, but we can ask some of the maids. Remember, they clean in the early mornings, they might've seen them." Taking in a deep breath, the woman nodded, giving her husband a sweet kiss before walking out. Michael turned to the butler and sighed. "Sometimes I wonder if I married a woman or a hen..." He joked. The butler let out a soft chuckle. "Milady is a rather worrisome woman. You were very lucky, my wife was never like that..." The man sighed, walking out the door. Michael watched him leave with a straight face. He walked out, deciding to find the kid. His eyes scanned through the halls, stopping on the crouched over figure of a person. "... Kyle?" Michael asked, watching the boy stand up.

"What were you doing?" The boss questioned, crossing his arms. "Shoes. What's up with everyone?" Kyle asked, noting how stressed Bianca and some servants were. Michael sighed. "The kid is missing. Any ideas as to where they are?" Michael asked, giving the boy a skeptical look. "I was actually about to return to them. I was keeping them company in the library." Kyle stated, crossing his arms. "Keeping them company or watching them? Don't think I don't know about this little crush." Michael taunted, smirking at the teen. Kyle scoffed and turned his head away. "I'll have you know (Y/N) enjoys my company. In fact, we've been talking all morning."
As (Y/N) made their way through the house, they kept tabs on where everything was. Being mindful of the maids and butlers, they tested out the windows. Of course they were locked... So much for that plan. With a soft sigh, (Y/N) made their way down another hall. As they turned a corner, they bumped into something hard and fell, letting out a soft grunt as they landed on the ground. "Oh no, I'm sorry. Here, let me help you up." Brushing their hair out of their face, (Y/N) stared up at a boy a little older than them. He gently brushed his dark hair out of his ivy-green eyes as he smiled down at the teen. "You just gonna lay there or are you gonna take my hand?" Snapping out of their thoughts, (Y/N) pushed their hands on the floor, boosting themselves up. They failed to notice the upset eye twitch the boy gave. "So, what's your name, stranger?" He asked, smiling once more. (Y/N) stayed quiet as they walked past him. He stayed quiet before following after them. "My name is Kyle. You must be (Y/N). Michael and Bianca talk about you a lot." He continued to try and talk to them.

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