Cherry blossom

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I slammed the car door shut behind me and ran a hand through my messy black locks.

After driving for two hours I have finally reached the old brick house which held more than a thousand memories for me.

I pushed open the metal door which made a creaking noise in protest. I stepped inside and the leaves scrunched beneath my feet.

I felt myself tearing up as I eyed the house infront of me which was my home just a year back.

I stepped on the porch and fumbled with the keys before pushing them into the hole and opening the wooden door.

A wave of nostalgia hit me as my gaze swept over the place where I have spent my childhood.

The walls which were once painted in vibrant colours were now a home to spider webs. The place in the hall where there was a sofa set was now empty and covered in dust.

Each corner of the house reminded me of my childhood and the days I spent with my grandmother here.

My grandmother was the most beautiful person inside out. When I was five, my mother died so my father married some other woman and my grandmother took me to her home in Paris.

I still remember how she used to take care of me and shower me with love. She filled the void that my parents left behind.

Both of us were each other's only companion. I had friends but none of them provided me with the love and solace which my grandmother did. She was not just a motherly figure to me, she was my whole family.

She was everything I ever had.

Unable to handle the overwhelming emotions flowing through me I moved towards the back door and walked my way towards the backyard.

The grass rustled as a strong wind flew by. I plopped myself on the wooden bench and watched the street in complete silence.

Today is 19th of march, her one year death anniversary.

Today is the day on which I lost my grandmother last year.

The neighbourhood was deserted since it was late night and faint glow of moon lit up the street.

Everything was going perfect until the day, when I was in third year of my college, she started coughing some blood. I was worried sick and immediately took her to the hospital.

She was diagnosed with lung cancer.

I was shattered. I felt as if somebody has threatened to take away the only precious  thing I ever had.

I was scared but then my grandmother told me, “Theo, the season of spring is about to come. Spring is the season of hope. I have hope, I'll fight, I'll fight for you. Don't worry I won't leave you. Cherry blossom is yet to bloom.” She smiled at me.

Cherry blossom was her favourite flower. She loved spring due to it's cherry blossom flower. She believed that spring was the season of new beginnings. She thought spring brings along with it hope and love.

When I heard her words hope surged through me. I thought that she'll survive inspite of her critical condition. I took care of her and stayed by her side while she was battling.

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