When they collided

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The cold wind harshly whipped at at her hair and she shivered in the biting cold, wrapping her faux fur coat around her tightly.

Coming on a solo trip to Manali has always been on top of Kaira's bucket list but after witnessing the weather here, she is reconsidering her choices.

She chose to discover the place instead of staying in her hotel room despite the cold, mainly because she wanted to enjoy herself while she was here. The wide street was crowded and every now and then a vehicle whizzed past her. All kinds of shop were lined on both of her sides and the loud chatter of people accompanied by the honks of vehicle resonated around the throughfare.

Kaira moved forward and decided to buy some souvenirs for her family. Her phone started ringing and she took it out from her pocket, frowning at the screen.

It was a video call from her brother and she swiped to answer it.

"Hey!" Advith exclaimed from the other side. "Maa paa look she is in Manali!"

"Hello Advith," Kaira replied as a smile adorned her lips.

"What are you doing?" he asked. "Without me," he added after a second and started moving around the house.

"I was buying souvenirs for all of you before you called. Your jealous self couldn't help but call me after every hour or so," Kaira replied playfully.

Advith whined. "Maa, look she is enjoying all alone!"

"Shut up, you can go and enjoy when you are big enough," she chided and kept walking forward unaware of her surroundings, her attention solely on her phone.

"I will, lady, I will," he answered.

Kaira let out a laugh and before she could answer she felt a shove on her shoulder, her phone flew out of her hands due to the impact.

"What the-" she murmured and bent down to pick up her phone. She noticed a figure looming over her. A girl to be precise. Kaira met her stare and took in the clothes of the stranger.

She was cladded in all black except for her shoes which were obnoxiously high golden heels. A messy bun rested on top her head with a gajra wrapped around it.

Kaira raised her eyebrows but refrained from commenting about the stranger's unusual attire.

"Is someone following me?" The girl asked, fear lacing her bold voice.

Kaira furrowed her eyebrows but inspected their surroundings nonetheless. People were busy in their own business and no one was staring at them or following them.

"Uhm, no," Kaira replied facing the person infront of her and she heard her sigh in relief.

"I- okay thank you." The stranger whispered and for a moment Kaira thought about asking what was the matter with her. She seemed weird.

"Are you doing illegal stuff?" Kaira blurted out and regretted it a moment later. The stranger looked at her in amusement before her lips pulled into a smile.

"Does running away from your own wedding counts?" she replied smugly and Kaira blinked a few times. That explains her golden heels and messy bun.

But what was the point in running alone? From what she has heard in the news, people usually elope with their lovers right?

"Oh." Was all that Kaira replied.

"I am Aisha by the way," Aisha said and offered Kaira a little smile.

She was beautiful Kaira thought to herself but just because she bumped into her didn't mean that she could be friends with her.

"Okay," Kaira said and continued on her journey. A second later she felt a tap on her shoulder.

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