Chapter 27....

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"This is the stupidest sport ever. There I said it. It's stupid and useless and horrible." I huffed as I landed yet again on my ass directly on the ice. My ass was beyond frozen at this point from being in contact with the ice so many times.

Off to the side Wyatt just laughed, watching me fall on my ass time and time again. He seemed to be taking pleasure in watching me fall. So much for catching me like he said earlier.

"You almost had it."

"I don't care. I am sitting right here and not moving." I laid back on the ice not even caring anymore about the cold. We have been trying to teach me to skate for the past twenty minutes and I'm pretty sure I've fallen a good twenty times. My ass was going to be so sore tomorrow.

The sound of blades on ice met my ears as Wyatt skated towards me. His face appeared above me a second later.

"You're just going to lay on the ice for the rest of the day?" He questioned.

"Yep because someone won't stop laughing at me and actually help me." I sent him a pointed look.

"You said you didn't want my help."

"Lies." I waved him off, denying that I did in fact say that thinking I would be fine on my own. I clearly wasn't ready to go it alone.

"Whatever you say." I didn't have to look at him to know he was smirking.

"Just help me up meanie." I put my arms up. Chuckling Wyatt easily lifted me off the ice and back on my skates. How he did it without falling I have no idea. My foot shifted making me grab onto his forearms tightly.

"Wanna try it my way now?" Okay fine maybe my pride told me I could learn all on my own. Thinking since I ran I could easily learn to skate. Let me tell you they are worlds apart.

"Yes please." I could tell he was refraining from saying more.

"Okay bend your knees a little, never keep your legs locked." He instructed gently. "And keep your skates pointed forward for now." I did as he asked, bending my legs and looking down between us to move my skates forward.

"Good job." The compliment may have made me feel like a little kid being told 'good job' from their teacher, but my heart still soared at it. "Now just hold onto me." Wyatt moved backwards a bit making me grip his hand tightly and look at him with wide eyes. "I got you, trust me."

I didn't even hesitate in nodding and relaxing my grip just a tad. Like the professional hockey player he was, he started skating backwards slowly tugging me along. He held my hands as he lead me across the ice, the sound of our blades cutting through the ice echoing around us.

"There you go."

I bit my lip as I looked down at my skates trying to make sure I didn't shift my feet in the wrong direction.

"Eyes on me." His voice was soft but firm. My eyes moved up to his finding him nodding. "Don't look at your feet, trust them to know what to do."

We stayed like that as Wyatt slowly lead us around the rink, eyes locked on each others, our hands interlocked. He gave me little encouragements as he picked up the pace a little. I wasn't holding his hand in a death grip as he continued on skating.

"Okay you ready?" At his words I tensed up.

"Ready for what?" I felt his hands pulling away from mine which only made me grip harder. "No."

"Babe you got this." He gave me an encouraging smile before prying his hands from mine. "Just skate towards me. Think of the skates like rollerblades."

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