Chapter 44....

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"Where is she."

It was almost 2 o'clock in the morning when I heard Wyatt's voice at my door. Just hearing his voice made my chest ache. Slowly I untangled myself from the two girls passed out on my couch.

"She's-" Tasha stoped my sentence as I stepped towards the door. The moment Wyatt's eyes landed on me he all but pushed Tasha out of the way. His long legs eating up the distance between us.

My lips wobbled as he scooped me up into his arms. He lifted me off the ground and my legs instantly wrapped around his waist. I held onto the back of his head as he placed his face in the crook of my neck.

My whole body shuddered as I breathed him in. Just the smell of him making me feel better already. He was still clad in his dress clothes from the game, and the collar dug into my cheek but I didn't care.

"I'm going to take her to my place. You guys stay." He didn't give Tasha time to say anything back before he turned, with me in his arms, and headed for the elevator. I was silently glad we were going to his place since the girls were passed out in mine.

Wyatt carried me like I weighed nothing. Easily hitting the elevator button and wrapping his arm back under my thighs. I clung to him like a baby, my grip only tightening when we got inside. Holding me up with one hand the other rubbed my back.

Neither of us said a word the entire ride up to his apartment. I was more than fine to soak him in than talk right now. Especially since he drove god knows how long in the middle of the night to be here.

I still didn't let go as he shifted me in his arms to unlock the door and re-lock it behind us. Not a single part of me wanted to let go of him. I kept my face buried in his neck as I felt him move around his apartment before he shifted and sat down. In this new position I wiggled into his lap, still wrapped around him like a koala bear.

"Baby." His hands gripped my waist gently. "Are you okay?"

I reluctantly pulled away, slowly meeting his eyes. His beautiful blue eyes filled with worry and concern. He cupped my cheek, his thumb softly brushing across my skin.

"I'm okay." And I was. After talking to Sydni and being with the girls I felt better. And even more so now that he was here.

"I should have been here. I'm sorry." The look that crossed his face had me instantly shaking my head.

"No, you couldn't have known that would happen."

"I could have stopped it though. I-" I cupped his face this time, silencing him.

"It was bound to happen. I knew people would find out about us it was just a matter of when. It all just took me by surprise."

"But you shouldn't have to deal with it." The tone of his voice had me sitting up straighter. He better not be thinking what he was.


"Maybe we should-" Before he could finish his sentence I grabbed his cheeks and squeezed tightly, forcing him to shut up.

"Don't you even finish that sentence. You are not breaking up with me because of something stupid like this. I knew what I signed up for when I agreed to be your girlfriend." I was not going to let Wyatt break up with me all because of a paparazzi scare.

Yes I freaked out at first but never once did I think to not be with Wyatt.

"Josie they will only get worse."

"I don't care. And don't think for one second I'm going to let you convince me otherwise." I slid off his lap and stood in front of him, hands on my hips. It may be late but I was far from tired.

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