Chapter 24

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The opening parade went by without any trouble. The Ducal couple was asked to be part of the procession to honor Nikolaidis' achievement in subduing the western border rebellion which happened months ago. Estelle admits she had quite a lot of fun being the center of attention. It feels good to have a crowd cheer and clap just for your mere presence. 

She's now spending the afternoon catching up with her close friends, twin Princesses Athisha and Athmichela, at the Empress' Garden. Although it hasn't been long since the Duchess' last visit to the capital, her friends seemed to have a lot to say.

"You will not believe what we're going to tell you!" Tisha was practically bouncing in her seat.

"What is it?" The twins' excitement was rubbing off on Estelle.

The Princesses look at each other before squealing in chorus, "we're engaged!"

"Really? Congratulations you two! Wait, who are you engaged to?"

"I'm marrying the Crown Prince of Avignon! He's the older brother of Princesses Krislaine, his name is Krisham and he's so dreamy! Did you know he's a master painter? He gave me a portrait of myself as an engagement gift! He painted me so beautifully and-" Tisha gets cut off by her sister.

"I'm going to marry the Crown Prince of Ulydel. Lazaro is a hunk and a much better swordsman than Krisham," Mitch elbows her twin, "although, he isn't the best swordsman in the Empire. Not all can be as great as Duke Nikolaidis, but a sword is better than a brush."

"Krisham is a sensitive guy, he's not all force and brute like Lazaro!"

"Oh please Tisha, what will you do with a man who can't protect you? You're so clumsy, you need a strong reliable man!"

"If I wanted someone like that, I'll just hire a personal knight!"

"Krisham looks like he could be blown away by the wind any moment. Have you seen Lazaro's body? I bet he has an eight pack underneath his clothes!"

"Uh, ladies," Estelle puts her hands in front of the twins, "you shouldn't be fighting over who has the better fiancé. I'm sure each one has their own strengths and weaknesses."

The twins abruptly close their mouths, feeling childish for arguing in front of their friend. Estelle chuckles and pours them tea, "this garden is really beautiful, didn't the late Empress design this herself?"

She looks around. It's her first time here and she's amazed at how it's landscaped with different colored tulips, all blooming. 

"Yes, mother's favorite flowers were tulips that's why this garden is full of them," Tisha says with a fond smile.

Mitch takes a sip from her teacup and says, "whenever we miss her, we'd come visit this place."

"It must have been tough losing your mother at such a young age."

She's read that Empress Athanasia died during the height of the epidemic 12 years ago. She can't imagine the pain and sadness the twins, who were just nine years old back then, must have gone through. They even lost their older brother, Prince Maghnus IV, around the same time. Even Nikolaidis lost both his parents because of the epidemic as well.

"It's always difficult to lose a loved one. I know you understand it well, Estelle," Tisha tells her with a sympathetic look.

The Duchess stares at the Princess, "well, I never really experienced losing one first hand but-" 

Tisha's expression turns to shock, "you weren't told?"

"What are you talking about?" Estelle asks.

"You had a younger sister. She died during the Wonheim Death too," Mitch explains.

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