Chapter 28

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"All hail the new Grand Duke and Duchess of Ghesquire, our mighty lord Nikolaidis Carvelho de Ghesquire and our fair lady Estelle Beauvoir-Carvelho de Ghesquire!"

The citizens of Blanchard Dukedom cheer and throw rose petals for their beloved rulers, as the Grand Ducal couple go through the main streets of Blanchard Center, fresh from the Capital. Estelle and Nikolaidis smile and wave to the lively crowd who are showering them with endless praises.

"It's good to be home, right love?" Nikolaidis tells his wife as rose petals fall like rain from the sky.

"There's no place like Blanchard," Estelle answers, smiling as she brushes away some petals stuck on her husband's hair.

In the back of her mind, she's giddy from excitement, not because of the welcome parade, but from keeping her big news from her husband.

I'm really excited to tell Niko I'm pregnant! I can't wait to see his reaction. However, I just can't seem to find the right timing to tell him.

A majestic party prepared by Abenant, their head butler, greets them as they arrive in Blanchard Castle. Estelle feels like she's done nothing else but attend parties and banquets over the past days.

It's all really fun but, once the celebrations for our coronation are done, I just want to spend a couple of quiet days resting in the castle and finally find the best moment to tell Niko that I'm pregnant!

"Welcome home, your highnesses," Abenant bows as he opens the doors to the ballroom where a hundred guests await them, all wearing looks of awe and admiration.

Everyone seems to be so genuinely proud and happy for them earning the Grand Duke and Grand Duchess title. Estelle hears a seemingly endless barrage of congratulations from every guest as she and Niko make their rounds around the room.

"Would you like some wine, my love?" Nikolaidis asks her after they finish greeting their guests.

She turns down his offer. I'm not allowed to consume alcoholic beverages but Niko doesn't know that yet. She takes a seat, exhausted from travelling and going straight to a party.

"I think it's best if we retire early. We're both clearly tired," Nikolaidis puts out his arm and Estelle gladly takes it.

Finally, I can rest!

~•~ ~•~ ~•••~ ~•~ ~•~

The next day, Estelle oversleeps and wakes up way past noon.

"Good afternoon, your highness," Delia greets her as the red headed maid opens up the curtains, letting the summer sunshine in to the bedroom.

"Would you like to have your meal in bed, my lady?"

"Yes please," Estelle says, stretching and yawning. She feels refreshed after sleeping like a log.

"Where is Nikolaidis?" Estelle asks while a butler brings in her brunch.

"The Grand Duke is currently out of the castle to attend to some matters, my lady," Delia answers.

Niko is already working even though we just got back to Blanchard yesterday? My husband is truly diligent.

"And Mister Brossard did say that his excellency mentioned he will be back in time to eat dinner with your grace," Delia adds.

That gives me an idea. I think announcing my pregnancy during dinner would be the perfect moment. I'm going to make it special!

"Delia, please tell the chef that I'm personally making dessert for tonight's supper but, before that, I need to see Dr. Ludovic."

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