Chapter 13

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If you don't like what I'm thinking then stop listening.

It had been two standard hours and seventeen minutes since my human had joined me in my bed. That was a very satisfying statement. I had repeated it to myself eight times, the most recent of which was 48.6 standard seconds ago. The culmination of these three facts was my onboard informing me that I was being "insufferable".

Apparently I needed to cool it down a little. The situation was making that difficult.

I had spent nearly the last whole standard hour pondering the logistics of my human's breasts. They were confusing. Were they more form or function? Both? Both. The function part was obvious. Satu females had been built remarkably similar in certain key ways. It was the ways they differed that especially intrigued me.

Oh sure, there had been research documents available. I'd already read them. Bit of a snooze-fest really. Who wants to read bland data about cellular composition when I had the real thing literally at hand?

After thorough analysis and pondering all aspects of my human's sleeping form, I had arrived at a controversial opinion: Harper's breasts were out of proportion with the rest of her body. She was "top-heavy", as the human saying goes.

Between 37.82% and 45.54% larger than the sample standard.

That was my onboard's helpful analysis. Fascinating.

Her body fat percentage was overall low. Lower than ideal because apparently the Krynn didn't know how to keep one of their most valuable assets in good condition. The majority of the fat that she did have seemed to be located either in her breasts or to a lesser extent in her inner thighs. The unevenness of the allocation was perplexing.

Surely, equal distribution of adipose tissue throughout her frame would be more efficient? I made a mental note to ask her about that. It might make for an engaging point of future discussion.

With a satisfied nod I sat back and gave her somewhat oversized breast a reassuring squeeze. Illogical bodily distribution or not, my human was perfect.

At a certain point during her sleep cycle she'd had a dream. My onboard and the Sannis had been working together to track her vitals and they reassured me it was a normal function. Augments don't dream, we enter hibernation, but tomato tomahto as the human holovids also like to bafflingly say.

Anyhow, back to topic: during her dream she had squirmed. It had brought her rump more firmly against my groin. That had required a blood flow correction. A rather uncomfortable one at that. My hand had also been on her side. I'd seen from the Human Odyssey that this is sometimes a "ticklish" spot. It didn't appear to be in this case but, long story short, her right breast had ended up under my right hand.

My onboard and I had a debate about whether that was an accident or night. Or less of a debate and more of a one-sided argument. One-sided because we both knew the answer but I digress...

Forty-three standard minutes of human breast pondering has lead to seventeen and counting standard minutes of human breast holding. My onboard reminded me that I was fully charged, rebooted, and ready to go and make something useful of myself. We were stranded on an alien planet with no clear way out so surely there was plenty of work that needed to be done, right?

I couldn't bring myself to leave yet though. My human was apparently scheduled to start her second dream cycle. I wanted to make sure she entered it peacefully.

Also, I didn't want to go. Not yet. I was having far too much fun.

Was it possible for the individual body parts of a lifeform to have minds of their own? Perhaps nothing as sophisticated as me and my onboard's often reluctant symbiosis together. Nothing I had researched or been provided about humans indicated this was the case. However, sentient body parts might explain what was happening now.

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