Chapter 16

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"-and at this point it will have been between twelve and seventeen minutes since I first initiated foreplay and we believe that you will be ready for more penetrative stimulation."


"I can give you a more exact countdown after our initial sexual encounter, don't worry. I've reassured my onboard that patience will be necessary and it won't in fact be able to anticipate all your responses to our touch. Some things have to be- ahem- just felt out."


"Now the Odyssey recommended this sort of gesture-" he paused with whatever the hell this was to make such a rude come hither motion and I forgot how to breathe for the next moment. "We believe that should be very effective because, of course, you will be thoroughly primed and prepared for this first. I'll start with just one finger, I think that's best, don't you? Or do you think you can handle two or even three at once?"

Oh crissakes. Send help. Someone. Anyone.

He held up three fingers in front of my face. I stared blankly at them and tried to ignore the ringing in my ears.

"Ah, you're not sure." He continued walking. I stumbled after him after tripping over my own feet. "I shall begin with one. The middle is traditional, if we're not mistaken. That makes sense. It is the longest digit with the most muscle strength behind it. I will be very focused on my task, you needn't have any worries."

Worries? They were plentiful. Endless. And I've just gotten some new ones.

Not that Sarhen noticed. He continued on our merry way, his step absolutely jaunty as he held up his hand in that- in that &gesture again.

"According to the Odyssey, this will be the time to see what your preferred method of being- how did you say it? Finger banged? Yes, some females apparently prefer a strong finger crooking motion like this." He demonstrated. Oh gods, how long until I passed out from lack of consistent oxygen?

"Venus however seemed to respond the loudest when Mars employed a full body technique where he rocked his whole arm, applying steady and controlled but relentless pressure."

"Sounds like she could take a lot." The whisper had come unbidden and barely heard. He heard though. Of course he did.

Sarhen stopped vigorously shadow-banging the air to look back at with with a raised eyebrow.

"Indeed, Harper, but my onboard recommends a more genteel touch and I agree. Our first penetrative intercourse should be a more cautionary journey together. With enough practice and data gathering, I could devise a course of escalating sexual experiments to determine which variables make you enjoy the most."

I regretted taking off my helmet. At least if I had it on I could have hidden behind it.

"Variables?" I forced myself to ask.

Sarhen nodded enthusiastically. "Depth. Angle. Preferred positions before, during, and after penetration. Whether you enjoy alternating between-"

I snagged the fabric of his sleeve- thank the gods these underground tunnels were cold enough that he'd had to put his shirt back on- and ground my feet into the floor to bring us (him mostly) to a hard stop.

His hand pulled, drawing me closer to him until my chest was pressed his abs. Stupid. Tall. Alien.

"Your face is very flushed, Harper. Are you aroused or embarrassed?"

Both. Equally. Maybe one more than the other. It had been more than a month since I'd gotten off. I wasn't exactly going to rub-a-dub myself on camera in the Krynn's cage, was I? And now my psycho alien fuckboy was apparently offering me every orgasm under the rainbow.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18, 2022 ⏰

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