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IT WAS THE NEXT DAY and Bella stood by her tuck waiting for the Cullens to a arrive at school.

Finally they did, and Aimee was first there on her bike. Rosalie and Emmett came with Edward. She watched as they talked for a moment.

"She knows" Aimee told her siblings. Rosalie was beyond annoyed. "You shouldn't have been so close to her, if you would have kept your distance she would never have known".

Aimee sighed before walking away and towards Bella. The swan girl just walked ahead, signalling for Aimee to follow her.

They had reached the forest and Bella dropped her bag onto the floor and stood waiting for Aimee to reach her.

"You're impossibly fast and strong. Your skin is pale white and ice cold. Your eyes change colour. And sometimes you speak like you from a different time. You never eat or drink anything. You don't go out in the sunlight. How old are you?".

"Seventeen" Aimee answers, appearing behind Bella. "How long have you been seventeen?" Bella asks.

"A while" Aimee admits. "I know what you are" Bella finally says.

"Say it, Bella. Out loud" Aimee demands. "Say it".

"Vampire" she says quietly. "Are you afraid?" Aimee questions.

"No." Bella says, finally turning around to look at the Cullen daughter. "Then ask me the most basic question there is. What do we eat?" Aimee says.

"You won't hurt me." Bella says looking straight into Aimee's eyes. Aimee just grabs Bella by the arm, the human had to know more about what she was.

"Where are we going?" Bella asks as Aimee leads her away. "Up the mountain. Out of the cloud bank. You need to see what I look like in the sunlight." Aimee tells her.

The vampire grabs Bella and pulls her over her shoulder so she's on Aimee's back. Aimee speeds off up the mountain.

ONCE THEY REACH THE top Aimee walks into the sunlight and begins to unbutton the top of her blouse.

She turns around and her skin glistens "this is what I am." She admits.

"It's like diamonds. You're beautiful" Bella breathes out. Nothing was scaring Bella off.

"Beautiful? This is the skin of a killer Bella." Aimee begins. She buttons up the top of her shirt and started walking down a different path, Bella in pursuit.

"Im a killer." Aimee tells her mate. "I don't believe that" Bella says. "That's because you believe the lie. It's camouflage. I'm the worlds most dangerous predator. Everything about me draws you in, my voice, my face, even my smell. As if I wouldn't need any of that." Aimee says before speeding away.

"As if you could outrun me?!" She yells. "As if you could fight me off! I'm designed to kill." Aimee explains.

"I don't care." Bella says, shaking her head. "I've killed people before" Aimee admits.

"It doesn't matter" Bella states. "I wanted to kill you. I've never wanted a humans blood so badly, in my life" Aimee says, truthfully.

"I trust you" Bella tells the vampire. "Don't" Aimee demands. "I'm here, I trust you." She tells the Cullen girl.

"My family. We're different from others of our kind. We only hunt animals. We've learnt to control our thirst. But it's you, your scent, it's like a drug to me. You're like my own personal brand of heroin." Aimee  explains.

"Why did you hate me so much when we met?" Bella asks. "I did. Only for making me want you so badly. I still don't know if I can control myself." Aimee admits.

"I know you can." Bella says comer closer to Aimee. "I can't read your mind. You have to tell me that what you're thinking." Aimee puts her arms either side of Bella as the human leans against a rock. Their faces were only inches apart.

"Now I'm afraid" Bella admits. "That's good" Aimee tells her. "I'm not afraid of you. I'm only afraid of losing you. I feel like you're going to disappear." Bella states.

"You don't know how long I've waited for you." Aimee smiles.

"So the lion fell in love with the lamb." Aimee smirks. "What a stupid lamb" Bella says.

"What a sick, masochistic lion."


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