《 If only.... 》

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Hussein plan was to talk with Hassan today .

He knew if he waited longer he would end up not doing it, so he woke up really early at went directly to the hospital hoping to find Hassan's sister.

He looked around the hospital for a few minutes but did not see her anywhere so decided to ask the 1st nurse who passed by.

" Excuse me could you please help me find miss.Aida ? " he asked.

" Aida ? Oh Aida ! The crazy nurse...she doesn't work in this area do you want me to bring you to her ? " she said.

" The crazy nurse...? " he thought not suprised at all.

" Yes that would be nice..."

" Don't worry about it just follow me ! "

Geting into the elevator she asked " If you don't mind me asking what's your relashinship with Aida ? Are you her husband? " she asked.

He was trying to think of a way to approach Aida and did not pay atention to the question asked and answered " Yes..." he did not realise until the door opened, when they went out and they found Aida in the hallway.

" Aida !! I brought your husband he was looking for you ! Why did you not tell me you were married to such and handsome men ? " said the nurse beside him .

" Husband!? Shit what did I say to her !? " He thought before looking at Aida.

" Husband..." said Aida smirking and looking at his eyes while he was panicking.

" I'm sorry we got maried not long ago so I forgot ! " she said making Husseing frown.

" Okay she is definitely is crazy...."

" Congratulations !! I have to go now have a good time you two ! " said the nurse before leaving.

" I did not know we were maried handsome guy..." said Aida smiling with her arms on her hips.

" I-i did not meant to say that, she asked and I answered without thinking I'm sorry...." he said touching the back of his neck looking at his feet.

He was super embarrassed.

" It's okay..." she said

" Why did you lie to her now she thinks it's true..." he then asked.

Geting closer to him she said " I don't know it's fun ! " she laughed looking at him.

Felling his heart beating faster he took a step back breaking the eyes contact they were having.

" Just so you know now everyone in this hospital will think your my husband cuz she will tell them, so if they ask for you you will have to come, so to make it easier for both of us give me your number" she said.

" What ? My number but-"

" What ? It's you fault not mine, so do what I say ans trust me "

" Just say you lied...."

" No I can't they will laugh at me for the rest of my life and then I will have to stop working here, so be responsible and give me you number "

His Diamondحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن