The Rengoku Estate

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"Calm down y/n. It's going to be alright."

Your feet crunch along gravel as you approach the large estate.

The same day that you'd talked to Senjuro, you'd decided to go speak with his father. Your satchel filled with school supplies is still in hand, and you wear the same boring uniform that the teachers wore- paired with a haori, of course, so that you are in better condition to face off with the unusually cold Spring weather.

You're not sure if Senjuro is at home, but you silently pray that he isn't, just in case things go bad.

"Stop it!" you scold yourself silently. "Don't put those thoughts out there!"

You step onto the stone step leading to the main house and take a deep breath.

It's going to be alright.

As you step on to the wooden porch, preparing to make your presence known, the doors suddenly slide open.

As you gaze at the man in front of you, your eyes grow wide and your mouth opens slightly.

This man that has opened the door... he is stunning. He looks ridiculously similar to Senjuro, with the same flaming yellow hair and the same red irises that fill your soul with warmth- but he is much more muscular and well-sculpted. He must be about your age- certainly not old enough to have a child as old as Senjuro- but before you know what you're saying, you stammer out a name.

"Sh-Shinjuro Rengoku?"

The man's initial look of surprise quickly morphs into a bright grin.

"You're looking for my father!" he booms, putting his hands on his hips.

You blush at the intensity of the man's voice. Despite being so loud, his rich, kind-hearted tone is music to your ears.

"Y-yes sir. I am Miss f/n l/n, Senjuro's teacher. I'm here to speak with your father about Senjuro."

The man smiles even wider.

"Well!" he says. "My father isn't home right now, but I'd be glad to let you inside to wait!"

The man immediately steps aside to allow you entry, and you freeze.

This is it.

This is really happening.

You're going face to face with the Rengoku family.

"Please, Miss l/n, I insist!" the man calls, breaking you out of your thoughts. "It's far too cold for a lady to be out on her own!"

You look back to the man and smile kindly, nodding briefly before heading inside.

"Thank you for your hospitality, Mr..."

"Please, call me Kyojuro."

You blush at the informality of the situation.

"Mr Kyojuro," you finish with a grin.

Kyojuro's cheeks light up in a faint pink glow, only causing you to blush further.

Then, without warning, Kyojuro folds his arms over each other and takes a seat on the ground.

"So!" he half shouts. "How long have you been working as a teacher, Miss l/n?"

You smile and sit across from Kyojuro, crossing your legs in a similar fashion to him.

"This is my very first year," you explain. "As soon as I graduated, I took on a job here."

Kyojuro flashes you an award winning smile.

"It must be hard work!" he says, nodding his head to himself.

You smile and lean forward slightly. 

"You have no idea," you laugh. "The endless planning and grading, the constant shouting from the kids..."

You place your hand on your heart and your lips spread into a grin.

"But students like Senjuro make it all worth it."

Kyojuro stares at you, the ever present smile still on his face.

"When I was younger," he suddenly says, startling you slightly. "I dreamed about becoming a teacher myself! I particularly enjoy history. The battles, the technological advancements-"

"Y-yes!" you interject, excitement building in your voice. "History was my area of concentration! I've always been interested in the lives of common people- how they adapted to the events going on around them, and how cultures evolved over time!"

"Well, look at that!" Kyojuro calls. "We already have something in common!"

As a comfortable silence falls over the two of you, you examine Kyojuro's appearance carefully.

You immediately recognize the uniform of the demon slayer corps, though his uniform is brown instead of the typical black. He wears a white flamed haori that matches both his socks, and, amusingly, the tips of his hair.

"So," you ask, a playful smile working it's way across your lips. "What is it like being Senjuro's older brother?"

Kyojuro shakes his head lightly and you realize that he must have been studying your appearance as well.

"I uh-" Kyojuro clears his throat and then smiles confidently. "It's wonderful! Senjuro is a very sweet boy. And, like you said, very hardworking."

"Is hard work important to your family, Mr. Kyojuro?"

Kyojuro gives you a perplexed look.

"Is it not important in every family?"

You laugh and fold your hands together.

"I suppose so!"

You unfold your hands and scoot a bit closer to Kyojuro.

"What I meant to ask is," you begin, "how is Senjuro's home life? Is he particularly close with your mother and father?"

Kyojuro's expression suddenly falters. You immediately regret asking the question, sensing that you broached on a sensitive topic.

As you're about to apologize, however, Kyojuro begins to speak.

"Our father is weary from his line of work," he explains slowly. "He's been this way for quite some time now, but-"

Kyojuro is cut off by the front door sliding open violently.

You whip your head around to see a tall, well-muscled man holding a bundle of bags in his hand. He is the spitting image of Kyojuro and Senjuro, save for the scruffy stubble along his jawline.

"Who the hell are you?"

Taisho Era Secret!

I hear that the author's favorite character is Kyojuro Rengoku- not just in Demon Slayer, but out of all the anime they've seen! Sorry, Tanjiro!

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