The Date

289 21 6

Rouge? Check.

Mascara? Check.

Face powder? Check.

You smooth your hair and quickly blend the rouge further into your skin, hands shaking slightly as you think about the events about to unfold.

Just a few hours earlier, none other than Kyojuro Rengoku had shown up at your door and asked if you'd like to go on a picnic after school. Embarrassed to be seen in your nightgown, you'd quickly said yes, and he'd gone on his merry way- leaving you with an excited yet terrified feeling in your gut.

Now, all you can do is grade papers, fiddle with your makeup, and wait for Kyojuro to pick you up.

You fold your compact mirror and tuck it back in your satchel, nervously tucking a piece of hair behind your ear.

As you set to work on grading papers from today's math exam, you can't help but let your thoughts wander.

This is the first date you've been on since you were a teenager. You have no idea what to expect out of today, other than Kyojuro's heartfelt laughter.

You know you have nothing to fear, but still, you anxiously think about everything that could go wrong.

What if it rains on our picnic?

There's not a cloud in the sky, but it could still happen.

What if Kyojuro sees me and decides he doesn't want to go on a date anymore?

It's definitely a possibility in this drab school teacher's outfit.

You quickly swipe your sweaty palms on your hakama and bite your lip.

And the worst what-if of them all... What if I see Kyojuro and can't contain my excitement?
How embarrassing would that be?

Knock knock knock!

You jump slightly and jerk your head up towards the doorway.

Your heart skips a beat as you gaze at the man in front of you.

"Miss y/n," Kyojuro calls. "I'm here to save you from your piles and piles of work!"

"K-Kyojuro!" you respond. You rise to your feet, accidentally slamming your thigh into the open drawer on your desk. "It's wonderful to see you!"

Don't act so eager! you silently scold yourself.

Luckily, Kyojuro doesn't seem to notice.

He simply holds open the door for you, his ever present smile warming your spirit.

As you step out into the open, you notice several of your straggler students staring at you and Kyojuro, curious as to what this strange man is doing at their school.

Then, as Kyojuro slips an arm around your own, the kids smile devilishly and begin to whisper amongst themselves.

You blush and hold your head up high, proud to have a man such as Kyojuro on your arm.

"So, how was your day, y/n?" Kyojuro asks, looking at you with genuine curiosity.

You smile, holding his arm a big tighter.

"Well, Haru only punched someone a couple of times, and my students averaged a 94% on the math exam," you explain cheerfully. "So overall, I'd say it's been wonderful!"

Kyojuro gives a loud, joyful laugh upon hearing your previous comment about Haru.

By this point, he'd heard all about the rambunctious student, and you're sure he was as invested in Haru's performance as you are.

Underneath the Beech Tree (Kyojuro Rengoku x teacher! reader)Where stories live. Discover now