🚨Undivided Attention ~ Loki🚨

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A/N All credits to the original author "quicksilverownsmysoul" on Tumbler

You were a royal advisor to both princes, which meant that despite being Loki's girlfriend you still had to divide your time between him and Thor equally. Something Loki absolutely despised, he had often complained wondering why some other advisor couldn't help Thor but Odin had hand picked you for them both. So your attention remained divided.

And Loki had come to terms with it the best way he could, which meant he'd often sneak you away to have lunch with him or stab Thor mildly that way you guys could get away for an hour of two. But those moments had become distant memories to a very jealous Loki.

These past few weeks it seemed that Loki was seeing you less and less while Thor spent nearly all day with you. You were helping him to prepare for an event with the other realms where he'd represent Asgard as leader. It took almost all your time, the only moments you and Loki had alone were the early mornings. And even then Thor found a way to ruin those.

Loki woke up nestling his face into the crook of your neck, inhaling your soft scent. A smile playing at his lips at the mix of your scent and his forming a lovely contrast. It was a rare scent these days. When you came to bed you often smelled vaguely of Thor's musk, something that made him twist inside and out.

"Morning Darling." He hummed, peppering soft kisses across your collar bone, shifting so that he was laying on your chest. Your eyes fluttered open, giving him a sleepy smile.

"Morning." You leaned up, brushing your lips against his. He tried to deepen it but you made a small noise of protest, lightly pulling him off. "I have to get ready." You said in a regretful voice.

Loki frowned, deep creases forming across his brow. You reached up to smooth them out, making him lean into your touch. "You should just spend all day with me." He kissed your palm, trailing his lips up your arm, to your cheek and settling on your lips. "Gods know I deserve it." He added, a smirk on his lips.

You were about to answer when the door to his room was shoved roughly open. Both you and Loki jumped at the sudden noise, whipping around to see what the source of the noise was. Thor had barged in a panicked look on his face. "Lady y/n I acquire your assistance!"

Loki looked at his brother with an irritated expression. "We're kind of in the middle of things."

"It will have to wait dear brother." Thor said, striding over to your side of the bed. He pulled you out from under Loki, picking you up bridal style in his arms. You squeaked at the action, hands flying to grip his shoulders for support. "I need her now!"

"Wait I'm not dressed!" Your protested, covering yourself the best you could with your arms. You were wearing one of your flimsy nightgowns that Loki had had made for you, while it was pretty it left little to the imagination.

Thor gave you a wide smile. "I think you look ravishing like this." You flushed at his comment. "But if you insist you can borrow something of mine to wear." You opened your mouth to protest but Thor had already swept you out of the room. Leaving a very infuriated Loki to drown in jealousy and malice.

You spent the rest of the day at Thor's side dressed in one of his old tunics. It was the smallest he had and yet it still slipped off your shoulder, you had cinched it as your waist trying to accommodate it the best you could. But the day was so busy you never found time to change into something of your own.

You had helped Thor with his speech, decorations for the hall and the dinner menu. Now you were helping him practice for the first dance of the event. All the Odin's were present, including your very irritated boyfriend. Loki stood behind his mother's throne, hands clasped tightly in front of him as he watched you and Thor with narrowed eyes.

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