🚨Make Me Hurt ~ Peter Parker🚨

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A/N All credits to the original author "akaashis-princess" on Tumbler

You told him that it was a bad idea. Tony specifically told the two of you to stay away, but Peter wanted to see what everyone was being so secretive about. Of course you didn't want to join him, but he begged you and Peter had this ability to convince you to do just about anything. He knows it too. So when he came into your room and begged you to come with him (Tony would be less likely to yell at him if you were with him), you couldn't say no.

But you should've.

"Peter what are we even looking for?" you asked him with a bored expression. Peter looked back at you and shrugged. He didn't have a clue. You sighed and leaned against the door frame, waiting for your idiotic friend to hurry up and leave. The deal was that you would go with him to the room, but you wouldn't go in. Peter whined for a moment about it, but decided that it was better than nothing.

"I'm guessing I'll know it when I see it," he commented as he continued snooping around Banner's work space. Guessing that you would be there for a while, you pulled out your phone and began scrolling through social media. You could hear Peter shuffling around the room mumbling to himself, but you concluded that if he found what he was looking for he would let you know.

It was quiet for a while, maybe two or three minutes before you heard clattering and Peter let out a short cry. When you looked up, you saw Peter flat on his ass looking up at some weird pink plant. You didn't move to help him up or make any noise because of the look he had on his face. He looked dazed or distracted, like he was in some trance.

"Pete?" you asked with furrowed brows, shoving your phone back into your pocket, "You doing okay over there, Spidey?"

Peter's gaze snapped away from the plant immediately and stuck on you. The way he was looking at you caused your heartbeat to quicken. He both looked confused and enthralled at your presence. You backed away slowly as he rose to his feet, not fully trusting his willpower at the moment.

"I don't know what's happening to me," he spoke almost robotically, stepping closer towards you, "But I think you might need to get Mr. Stark."

Without questioning him, you took off in the opposite direction where you assumed Tony would be. You ran as fast as you could through the headquarters, earning the attention of everyone you passed. When you finally caught a glimpse of the man, he was in a conversation with Banner. Normally you would just stand beside them awkwardly until you were noticed, but of course this situation was a bit different than all the other times.

"Tony!" you yelled as soon as you saw him, "Tony something happened!"

He turned around and looked at you with a surprised expression, "What hap- where's the kid?"

You doubled over, holding onto your knees to catch your breath. Tony, who had an idea of what was going on, grabbed onto your shoulders and lifted you to his eyesight, "Y/N, where is Peter? Please tell me you did not go in the lab!"

"I-I didn't," you panted, "But Peter did. He messed with something, I don't know what it was."

Tony growled lowly to himself, removing his hands from your shoulders, "I need you to go into your room right now and don't come out until I come to get you."

"What ha-"

"No," Tony snapped at you causing you to flinch slightly, "You don't get to ask any questions. What you get to do is listen to me for once and go to your room."

"Tony, all due respect and all, but I am not a high schooler anymore," you seethed, not appreciating his tone, "I am twenty-three, okay? I told Peter to not go in there, but he didn't listen to me. Don't you dare treat me like a kid when I am just concerned for my best friend. So you're going to tell me what the fuck happened in that lab and you're going to tell me now."

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