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Out of all the things I could say, I chose that! Why would I blurt that out without even thinking first? That was not me. I'm always very organized and precise. I don't just blurt out.

"You, you think I'm handsome?" He asked, his gaze fixated on me, something soft detailed in his expression.

"Did... did I say that? I... I meant to say, you look handsome and I... I can't understand why you're still single." Great, like this is any better. Now, I look like I'm interested in his relationship status. If only a wall would magically shield me away from his eyes right now. I'm so embarrassed.

He lowered his eyes, leaning back in his seat. "Well, I guess I haven't found the one."

"Oh," was all I said as I drifted my gaze elsewhere, still embarrassed by what I'd said.

"But, recently... there's someone my heart's leaning towards."

Instantly, I shifted my gaze back to him. His eyes borrowing into mine was steady and serious. He... He can't be talking about me, right?

"Really?" I asked, trying to pretend like I wasn't the least bit suspicious regarding his reference.

Gently, he nodded.

"But, I'm not sure if she feels the same way about me."

I tilted my head a little to the side, a sad expression on my face. "That's, that's sad... Also, why would you think that way? You never know, she might feel the same way."

"Well... when I'm with her it's like she's tensed up and when it seems like we're heading somewhere with our conversations, she... she abruptly leaves."

"Oh," was all I said as I lowered my eyes from his to collect my thoughts. So that's what he thinks.

"This woman, she's... she's in this village?" Why am I still doing this? I'm just baiting myself. I watched him lean forward, out of his seat, my gaze not quite leaving his. A part of me itched to hear his answer. He stalled, probably for dramatic purpose, or he simply knew I was understanding his use of the third person.

"Yes." Slowly, my eyes widened at his reply. Well, there we have it. She's in this village... I'm in this village. What does this mean?

They set a bowl of water on the table and I lifted my eyes to realise the lady was back. Great timing. I watched her set down a bottle of hand soap and a small towel before she went back into the house. My eyes met Cergio's again. This time, I started the smile, and he reciprocated it with one of his. Thankfully, the lady was back holding a tray in her hand and from it, she carried off the two bowls of pepper soup, one after the other. When I looked into mine, there was meat, and I stretched my neck forward to check if Cergio's was without meat. Gratefully, it was. I lifted my eyes to his, and he smiled, having caught me staring into his bowl.

"Thank you." I appreciated, and she nodded with a simple smile before she walked away.

"You said you're vegetarian, so..."

"You told her not to put any meat. I understand." He completed, and I smiled, glad he did.

I watched him take hold of the spoon and scooped a little of the broth, ready to carry into his mouth.

"Also, you might not want to drink too much of that." My interruption surprised me, and he lifted his eyes back to me.

"Because it might give you an upset stomach so... I just wanted you to have a taste but drink it all if you're okay with the spiciness and sure it won't upset you."

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